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16 resources
Million, Margaret Mary. “Changing Forms of Parish Renewal: Toward a Restructuring of Parochial Model, 1950-1999.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 1999.
Gilliland, Jason Andrew, and Sherry Olson. “Claims on Housing Space in Nineteenth-Century Montreal.” Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine Vol. 26, no. 2 (March 1998): 3–16.
Hustak, Alan. Saint Patrick’s of Montreal: The Biography of a Basilica. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1998.
Miller, Patricia. Montreal: St. Patrick’s Basilica. Montreal: St. Patrick’s Basilica, 1996.
Gagnon, Robert. Histoire de la Commission des écoles catholiques de Montréal : le développement d’un réseau d’écoles publiques en milieu urbain. Montréal: Boréal, 1996.
Gagnon, Robert. Anglophones at the CECM: A Reflection of the Linguistic Duality of Montreal. Montréal: Comission des écoles catholiques de Montréal, 1996.
Olson, Sherry, and Patricia A. Thornton. “Le raz de marée irlandais à Montréal.” In Les chemins de la migration en Belgique et au Québec: XVIIe-XXe siècle, edited by Yves Landry, John Dickinson, Suzie Pasleau, and Claude Desama, 69–80. Beauport, QC: Academia MNH, 1995.
Magnuson, Roger. “Les écoles protestantes sont-elles confessionnelles?” In Société, culture et religion à Montréal, XIXe-XXe siècle, edited by Guy Lapointe, 122–135. Montréal: VLB Editeur, 1994.
Pollock, Grace A. “History of the Faculty of Commerce of Loyola College.” M.B.A. research paper, Concordia University, 1993.
Harvey, Julien. “L’Église catholique de Montréal et l’accueil des immigrants au XXe siècle.” Études d’histoire religieuse Vol. 59 (1993): 89–103.
Salvatore, Filippo. La fresque de Mussolini. Montréal: Guernica, 1992.
Huntley-Maynard, Jean. “From Notre Dame Collegiate Institute to Marianopolis College: The Evolution of an Institution (1908-1975): A Case Study of Pivotal Decisions.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1992.
Huntley-Maynard, Jean. “Catholic Post-Secondary Education for Women in Quebec: Its Beginnings in 1908.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association/Historical Studies Vol. 59 (1992): 37–48.
Bodson, Gabriel, and Louis-Alain Ferron. “Les deux cimitières du Mont-Royal.” Continuité, Hiver-Printemps 1991.
Tétreault, Martin. L’état de santé des Montréalais, 1880-1914. Montréal: Regroupement des chercheurs et chercheures en histoire des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec, 1991.
Allison, Sam, and James Wilson. The Father Dowd Home: One Hundred and Twenty-Five Years of Service to the Community. Montreal: James Wilson and Sam Allison, 1990.