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12 resources
Angers, Séverine. “Marrying a Redcoat: Women’s Experiences of Marriage in the British Garrison of Quebec City, 1763-1820.” Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University, 2021.
Donovan, Patrick. “The Boundaries of Charity : The Impact of Ethnic Relations on Private Charitable Services for Quebec City’s English-Speakers, 1759-1900.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 2019.
Arsenault Morin, Alex, Vincent Geloso, and Vadim Kufenko. The Heights of French-Canadian, Irish, Scottish and English Populations in Quebec, 1813 to 1847. [Economic History Working Papers]. London, England: London School of Economics and Political Science, January 2016.
St-Hilaire, Marc, Laurent Richard, and Richard Marcoux. “Individual and Familial Life Course in Quebec City, 1871-1911: Some Consideration on Two Biographical Data Sets.” In The Dawn of Canada’s Century: Hidden Histories, edited by Gordon Darroch, 322–358. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014.
Lanouette, Nicolas. “Québec comme laboratoire urbain: Transformations socioprofessionnelles et industrialisation dans la ville de Québec, 1871-1901.” Cahier de géographie du Québec Vol. 52, no. 145 (Avril 2008): 43–61.
Turcotte, Louis. “Les conflits entre policiers et citoyens à Québec, 1870-1900.” Master’s thesis, Université Laval, 2007.
Sheehan, Virginia. “La vie domestique des officiers britanniques et canadiens résidant dans la maison Maillou au XIXe siècle : étude de la collection archéologique.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 1999.
Drouin, François. “La population urbaine de Québec, 1795-1971. Origines et autres caractéristiques de recensement.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 19, no. 1 (Printemps 1990): 95–112.
Lacelle, Claudette. Urban Domestic Servants in 19th Century Canada. Ottawa, ON: National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Environment Canada - Parks, 1987.
De Brou, David, and Mark Olsen. “The Guth Algorithm and the Nominal Record Linkage of Multi-Ethnic Populations.” Historical Methods Vol. 19, no. 1 (Winter 1986): 20–24.
Cameron, Christina. “Housing in Québec Before Confederation.” Journal of Canadian Art History/Annales d’histoire de l’art Vol. 6, no. 1 (1982): 1–35.
Ouellet, Fernand. “Structure des occupations et ethnicité dans les villes de Québec et de Montréal (1819-1844).” In Éléments d’histoire sociale du Bas-Canada, 177–202. Montréal: Hurtubise HMH, 1972.