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12 resources
Apple, Matthew T. “Irish-Canadian Intercultural Relations in Quebec: An Historical Overview.” Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture (立命館言語文化研究) Vol. 32, no. 4 (2021): 113–130.
Zissis. “Jonathan Sewell, témoin du renouvellement des élites au Bas-Canada (1800-1825).” In Contraintes et adaptations dans l’espace québécois (XIX-XXI siècles) : actes des 23e et 24e colloques étudiants du CIRQ, edited by Nathalie Ricard and William Yoakim, 55–62. Québec: Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises (CIEQ), 2019.
Jacob, François. “La perception de la Guerre de Sécession dans la presse québécoise, 1861-1865.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Clermont-Legos, Jean-Francis. Conflits et convergences : la culture politique des élites francophones et anglophones de Québec au début du XIXe siècle : mémoire présenté à la Fondation Jean-Charles-Bonenfant. Québec: Jean-Francis Clermont-Legos, 2005.
Bervin, George. Québec au XIXe siècle : l’activité économique des grands marchands. Sillery, QC: Septentrion, 1991.
De Brou, David. “Mass Political Behaviour in Upper-Town Quebec, 1792-1836.” PhD dissertation, University of Ottawa, 1989.
Montréal, Le Québec et La Révolution Française, 1789-1805/Montreal, Quebec and the French Revolution, 1789-1805. Ottawa, ON: Archives nationales du Canada/National Archives of Canada, 1989.
Ruddel, David-Thiery. Quebec City, 1765-1832: The Evolution of a Colonial Town. (Mercury Series/History Division Papers No. 41). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1987.
De Brou, David, and Mark Olsen. “The Guth Algorithm and the Nominal Record Linkage of Multi-Ethnic Populations.” Historical Methods Vol. 19, no. 1 (Winter 1986): 20–24.
Lafrance, Marc, and David-Thiery Ruddel. “Physical Expansion and Socio-Cultural Segregation in Quebec City, 1765-1840.” In Shaping the Urban Landscape: Aspects of the Canadian City-Building Process, edited by Gilbert Stelter and Alan Artibise, 148–172. Ottawa, ON: Carleton University Press, 1982.
Ruddel, David-Thiery. “Quebec City, 1765-1831: The Evolution of a Colonial Town.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 1981.
Day, Samuel Phillips. English America: Or, Pictures of Canadian Places and People. 2 vols. London, England: T.C. Newby, 1864.