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4 resources
O’Shaughnessy, Edward. “A Regettable Event at the Tanneries Railway Junction, July 13th, 1878.” Connections: Journal of The Quebec Family History Society Vol. 40, no. 2 (February 2018): 3–7.
Parkinson, Daniel B. Up To Rawdon: Settlers at Rawdon Township, Lower Canada c. 1820-1852. Their Origins and Continued Migration Across Canada and the United States. 2 vols. [S.l.]: Daniel B. Parkinson, 2013.
Sanfilippo, Matteo. “Tra antipapismo e cattolicesimo: gli echi della Repubblica romana e i viaggi in Nord America di Gaetano Bedini e Alessandro Gavazzi (1853-1854).” In Gli Americani e la Repubblica Romana nel 1849, edited by Sara Antonelli, Daniele Fiorentino, and Giuseppe Monsagrati, 159–187. Rome, Italy: Gangemi, 2001.
Dyer, George C., and Phyllis Eastman. Cent cinquantième anniversaire de Sutton, 1802-1952/Sesquicentennial of Sutton. Sutton, QC: J.P. Vachon, 1952.