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“Early Missisquoi Newspapers.” Missisquoi County Historical Society Annual Report Vol. 6 (1960): 61.
Darch, Heather, and Michel Racicot. “A Distant Drum: The War of 1812 in Missisquoi County.” Quebec Heritage News, September 2004.
Yates, Randolph W. “A Critical Edition of a Diary from the Eastern Townships. The Diary Being That of Alice Jane Johnson Who Was Born in Missisquoi County in 1857 and Died There in 1903.” Master’s Thesis, Bishop’s University, 1974.
Ellis, David J. The Boomhower Families Around Missisquoi Bay, Québec. Londonderry, NH: D.J. Ellis, 2010.
Pontbriand, B. “Mariages du Comté de Missisquoi (1846-1968).” Québec, 1973.
Missisquoi Loyalist Legacies. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi Historical Society, 1976.
Lewandoski, Julia. “Property and Ambiguity on Missisquoi Bay: 1760-1812.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2013.
Young, Brian. “The Business of Law in Missisquoi and the District of Bedford before 1861.” Proceedings of the Missisquoi Historical Society Vol. 20 (1990): 10–24.
Missisquoi Memories. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi County Historical Society, 1978.
Segments of Missisquoi ; and, Missisquoi Historical Society Reports 1981-82. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi County Historical Society, 1982.
Then and Now in Missisquoi: Illustrated Articles of Missisquoi County History. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi County Historical Society, 1967.
Missisquoi : Water by the Mill. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi County Historical Society, 1974.
Missisquoi : A Store of Memories. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi County Historical Society, 1972.
Rendez-Vous with the Past in Missisquoi. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi County Historical Society, 1970.
The Voice of Pike River ; and, Missisquoi Historical Society Reports 1979-80. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi County Historical Society, 1980.
Waugh, Pamela Wood, and Shirley Dean Wood. Caldwell Manor and Christie Manor Anglican Records, Missisquoi County, Quebec, Canada. Vol. 2 vols. bound as one. Orlando, FL: Pamela Wood Waugh, 1989.
Abbott, Louise. Alexander Walbridge, the Visionary of Mystic. Missisquoi Historical Society, 2002.
Walker, Bruce D. “The County of Missisquoi in the Eastern Townships of the Province of Quebec (1770s-1867).” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1974.
Beaugrand-Champagne, Denyse. “Orientations politiques des mouvements d’alliance et d’opposition aux Patriotes dans les comtés de Missisquoi et de Stanstead, 1834-1837.” Bulletin d’histoire politique Vol. 7, no. 1 (Automne 1998): 12–18.
Young, Brian, and Béatrice Kowaliczko. A Short Walking Tour of the Village of Stanbridge East and Places of Interest in the Vicinity. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi Historical Society, 2014.
Wisdom, Mrs. Stuart. “Letters of the Rev. C. Cotton.” Missisquoi County Historical Society, Report 13 (1975): 71–75.
Jones, Charles O. “The Moore’s Corner Battle in 1837.” Fourth Annual Report of the Missisquoi County Historical Society (1909 1908): 67–73.
Sheltus, Ashley. “The Early History of Bedford Fair.” In Business in Missisquoi: Proceedings of the Missisquoi Historical Society, edited by Bruce E. Baker, 125–129. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi Historical Society, 1990.
Waugh, Pamelea Wood, and Shirley Dean Wood. Clarenceville Methodist Records, Missisquoi County, Quebec, Canada. Orlando, FL: P.W. Waugh, 1991.
Birch, Brenda Wilson. Cemeteries of Frelighsburg Township, Missisquoi County, Quebec. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 2003.
Birch, Brenda Wilson. St. Armand Township Cemeteries, Missisquoi County, Quebec. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 2006.
Waugh, Pamelea Wood, and Shirley Dean Wood. Stanbridge Baptist Church Records: Missisquoi County, Quebec, Canada. Orlando, FL.: P.W. Waugh, 1990.
Young, Bernard. The Young & Allied Families of Missisquoi County, Quebec. Fairport, NY: B. Young, 1979.
Waugh, Pamelea Wood, and Shirley Dean Wood. Dunham Anglican Church Records, Missisquoi County, Quebec, Canada. Orlando, FL: P.W. Waugh, 1991.
Waugh, Pamela Wood. Dunham Methodist Church Records: Dunham, Missisquoi County, Quebec, Canada. Orlando, FL: Pamela Wood Waugh, 1989.
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