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25 resources
“Early Missisquoi Newspapers.” Missisquoi County Historical Society Annual Report Vol. 6 (1960): 61.
Young, Brian. “The Business of Law in Missisquoi and the District of Bedford before 1861.” Proceedings of the Missisquoi Historical Society Vol. 20 (1990): 10–24.
Beaugrand-Champagne, Denyse. “Orientations politiques des mouvements d’alliance et d’opposition aux Patriotes dans les comtés de Missisquoi et de Stanstead, 1834-1837.” Bulletin d’histoire politique Vol. 7, no. 1 (Automne 1998): 12–18.
Wisdom, Mrs. Stuart. “Letters of the Rev. C. Cotton.” Missisquoi County Historical Society, Report 13 (1975): 71–75.
Jones, Charles O. “The Moore’s Corner Battle in 1837.” Fourth Annual Report of the Missisquoi County Historical Society (1909 1908): 67–73.
McCorkill, J. C. “Ralph Taylor, Ex M.P.P.” Fifth Report of the Missisquoi County Historical Society (1913): 64–73.
Eddy, Keith. “Some New Light On An Old Chapel.” Missisquoi Historical Society Vol. 16 (1980): 99–107.
Ellis, Margaret J. “All Saints’ Church, Dunham.” Missisquoi Historical Society Vol. 18 (1984): 115–119.
Lang, Lynne E., and Ronald Martin. “Historical Sketch of Dunham Creamery.” Missisquoi Historical Society Vol. 16 (1980): 124–133.
Gagnon, Jacques. “Trois grandes familles de parlementaires issues des Cantons-de-l’Est.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 44 (Printemps 2015): 79–92.
Dafoe, John W. “The Fenian Invasion of Quebec, 1866.” The Canadian Magazine Vol. 10, no. 4 (February 1898): 339–347.
Busseau, Laurent. “Des miliciens des Cantons-de-l’Est contre les Fenians.” Histoire Québec Vol. 19, no. 3 (2011): 10–14.
Woodley, E. C. “The Story of the Eastern Townships Bank.” Missisquoi County Historical Society Annual Report Vol. 6 (1960): 54–60.
Moore, Ruby G. “Cowansville’s First Newspaper.” Missisquoi County Historical Society Annual Report Vol. 7 (1961): 31–35.
Millman, Thomas R. “The Missiskoui Standard, Frelighsburg’s First and Only Newspaper.” Missisquoi County Historical Society, Historical Report Vol. 7 (1965): 17–21.
Smith-Christmas, Kenneth L., and Ross Jones. “The Fenian Needham Conversion Rifle : A Tangible Piece of Irish, American, and Canadian History.” Military Collector & Historian Vol. 72, no. 1 (Spring 2020): 71–82.
Robinson, Jody. “Beyond Business: Interactions Between English and French Through the Archives of the Douglas Family, An Overview.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’etudes des Cantons de l’Est No. 40 (Spring 2013): 87–96.
Busseau, Laurent. “Le télégraphe au XIXe siècle : The Victorian Internet au service des échanges diplomatiques canado-américains durant l’invasion fénienne de 1866 au Québec.” Histoire Québec Vol. 21, no. 3 (2016): 30–33.
Little, J. I. “‘In the Desert Places of the Wilderness’: The Frontier Thesis and the Anglican Church in the Eastern Townships, 1799-1831.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 36, no. 71 (May 2003): 31–53.
Willis, John. “Quand le téléphone est arrivé à Sutton.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 99 (2009): 48–49.
Little, J. I. “Missionary Priests in Quebec’s Eastern Townships: The Years of Hardship and Discontent, 1825-1853.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Study Sessions Vol. 45 (1978): 21–35.
Millman, Thomas R. “Canon James Reid, D.D., Frelighsburg, 1815-1865.” Montreal Churchman Vol. 27, no. 9 (September 1939): 9.
Milot, Richard. “Présence de l’art En Estrie Entre 1815 et 1940/Art in the Eastern Townships between 1815 and 1940.” Vie des arts Vol. 23, no. 92 (n.d.): 20–23, 96–97.
Bonenfant, Jean-Charles. “Les douze circonscriptions électorales ‘privilégiées’ du Québec.” Cahiers de géographie du Québec Vol. 6, no. 12 (September 1962): 161–166.
Young, Norma Whitcomb. “The Montreal, Portland & Boston Railway and ‘The Hibbard Road.’” Canadian Rail: The Magazine of Canada’s Railway Heritage No. 497 (November 2003): 228–233.