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4 resources
Bellerose, Jeannette. “Maintaining Interpersonal Harmony in the Context of Intergroup Conflict.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1986.
Taylor, Donald M., Fathali M. Moghaddam, and Jeannette Bellerose. “Social Comparison in an Intergroup Context.” The Journal of Social Psychology Vol. 129, no. 4 (1989): 499–515.
Taylor, Donald M., Lise M. Simard, David J. McKinan, and Jeannette Bellerose. “Anglophone and Francophone Managers: Perceptions of Cultural Differences in Approaches to Work.” Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement Vol. 14, no. 2 (April 1982): 144–151.
Taylor, Donald M., Lise Dubé, and Jeannette Bellerose. “Intergroup Contact in Québec: Myth or Reality?” In Contact and Conflict in Intergroup Encounters, edited by Miles Hewstone and Rupert Brown, 107–118. New York, NY: Basil Blackwell, 1986.