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8 resources
Burns, Robin B. “D’Arcy McGee and the Fenians: A Study of the Interaction Between Irish Nationalism and the American Environment.” Irish University Review Vol. 4, no. 3 (Winter 1967): 260–273.
Burns, Robin B. “Stanstead County and the Beginning of the First World War 1914-1915.” Stanstead Historical Society Journal Vol. 13 (1989): 77–89.
Burns, Robin B. “D’Arcy McGee and the Economic Aspects of New Nationality.” The Canadian Historical Association, Annual Report Vol. 2 (1967): 95–104.
Burns, Robin B. “The Last Irish Mayor of Montreal.” Concordia University Magazine Vol. 2, no. 1 (October 1978): 12–16.
Burns, Robin B. “French Canada and the New Nationality : D’Arcy McGee’s View.” Revue de Centre d’études du Québec Vol. 1 (Avril 1967): 19–25.
Burns, Robin B. “The Eastern Townships in the First World War: The First Hundred Days.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 13 (Autumn-Winter 1999): 17–39.
Burns, Robin B. “The Montreal Irish and the Great War.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association Historical Studies Vol. 52 (1985): 67–81.
Burns, Robin B., and Stephen Moore. “Frank Herbert Price: A Soldier’s Diary.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 2 (Spring 1993): 77–112.