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3 resources
Cooney, Robert. A Compendious History of the Northern Part of the Province of New Brunswick: And of the District of Gaspe in Lower Canada. Halifax, NS: Printed by Joseph Howe, 1832.
Cooney, Robert. The Lord Is On Our Side: A Sermon, Delivered in the Wesleyan Chapel, Odelltown, on Saturday, November 9, 1839: Being the First Anniversary of the Battle, Fought at the Above Place, Between the Insurgents and the Loyal Volunteers. Montreal: Campbell and Becket, 1840.
Cooney, Robert. The Autobiography of a Wesleyan Methodist Missionary (Formerly a Roman Catholic): Containing an Account of His Conversion from Romanism and His Reception into the Wesleyan Ministry: Also Reminiscences of Nearly Twenty-Five Years’ Itinerancy.. Montreal: E. Pickup, 1856.