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Dudek, Louis. “Black Mountain Contact, CIV/n, TISH: A Memoir.” Sagetrieb Vol. 7, no. 1 (Spring 1988): 39–46.
Dudek, Louis. “F. R. Scott and the Modern Poets.” Northern Review Vol. 4, no. 2 (January 1950): 4–15.
Dudek, Louis. “The Montreal Poets.” Culture Vol. 18 (1957): 149–154.
Dudek, Louis. “Layton Now and Then -- Our Critical Assumptions.” Queen’s Quarterly Vol. 63 (Summer 1956): 291–293.
Dudek, Louis. 1941 Diary. Montreal: Empyreal Press, 1996.
Dudek, Louis. Infinite Worlds: The Poetry of Louis Dudek. Edited by Robin Blaser. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1988.
Dudek, Louis. The Making of Modern Poetry in Canada: Essential Articles in Contemporary Canadian Poetry in English. Edited by Michael Gnarowski. 3rd. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
Gnarowski, Michael. “The Role of ‘Little Magazines’ in the Development of Poetry in English in Montreal.” In The Making of Modern Poetry in Canada: Essential Articles on Canadian Literature in English, edited by Louis Dudek and Michael Gnarowski, 212–222. Toronto: Ryerson, 1967.
Dudek, Louis. “Polar Opposites in F. R. Scott’s Poetry.” In On F. R. Scott: Essays on His Contributions to Law, Literature, and Politics, edited by Sandra Djwa and R. St J. Macdonald, 31–43. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1983.
Simith, A.J.M., Leonard Cohen, Irving Layton, Frank R. Scott, Louis Dudek, and A. M. Klein. Six Montreal Poets. New York, NY: Folkways Records and Service Corp, 1957.