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8 resources
White, Philip G. “Sport and the Language Groups in Canada.” Plural Societies Vol. 20, no. 1 (June 1990): 73–84.
Jones, Kevin G. “Sport in Canada, 1900-1920.” PhD dissertation, University of Alberta, 1970.
Fairchild, G. M., ed. A Short Account of Ye Quebec Winter Carnival Holden in 1894. Quebec: Printed by F. Carrel, at ye signe for ye Quebec Daily Telegraph, 1894.
Wallace, Donald G. The First Two Hundred Years: A History of the Royal Montreal Curling Club, 1807-2007. Montreal: The Royal Montreal Curling Club, 2012.
Marks, Christopher G. Rackets in Canada and the Montreal Racket Club. Montreal: Price-Patterson, 1990.
Vellathottam, T. George, and Kevin G. Jones. “Highlights in the Development of Canadian Lacrosse to 1931.” Canadian Journal of Sport and Physical Education Vol. 5, no. 2 (December 1974): 31–47.
O’Meara, J. S. Stradacona Fish and Game Club: Its History from 1886 to 1946, with Recollections Grave and Gay. Quebec: Printed by the Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph, 1946.
Jobling, Ian F. “Urbanization and Sport in Canada, 1867-1900.” In Canadian Sport: Sociological Perspectives, edited by Richard Gruneau and J. G. Albinson, 64–77. Don Mills, ON: Addison-Wesley, 1976.