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Montréal. An Ongoing Commitment: A Look At Intercultural Relations at the City of Montréal. Montréal: la Ville, Direction générale, 1998.
Montreal Star. A Submission to the Special Senate Committee on Mass Media, January 28, 1970. Montreal: [s.n.], 1970.
Montreal Star. The Montreal Daily Star Analysis of Circulation: An Exhaustive Analysis of the Circulation of the Montreal Daily Star, Showing Distribution by Towns in Every Province of Canada, and by Newsdealers, Newsboys, Etc., in Montreal;.. Montreal: Montreal Star Publishing Company, 1913.
Gazette (Montreal). Montreal, the Metropolis of Canada: The Rise, Progress and Development of Its Industries, Commerce, Transportation Facilities, Resources, Banking and Real Estate Values:...With a History of the Gazette from Its Establishment in 1778. Montreal: [s.n.], 1907.
Montreal Gazette. The Record of the Gazette Tobacco Fund. Montreal: Gazette Office, 1919.
McGill University, Montreal. Extracts from the Will of the Founder. Royal Charter. Acts of Parliament. Statutes. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1883.
Montreal Heart Institute. Montreal Heart Institute: One Battle, Many Victories. Montreal: The Institute, 1997.
Montreal Temperance Society. A Few Facts Bearing on the Social and Civil Character of Montreal. Montreal: J.C. Becket, 1880.
Montreal Free Library. Analytical and Descriptive Catalogue of the Montreal Free Library. 3rd ed. Montreal: Library Hall, 1895.
Bank of Montreal. Victory: A Monument in Memory of the Men in the Service of the Bank of Montreal Who Fell in the Great War. Montreal: [s.n.], 1924.
Montreal Historical Associates. Montreal Historical Review and Catholic Parish Directory: Dedicated to 1856, the Irish Protestant Benevolent Society, 1960: 1834, St. Patrick’s Society, 1960. Montreal: D’Arcy McGee Pub., 1960.
Conseil des oeuvres de Montréal/Montreal Council of Social Agencies. Soixante grandes zones d’analyse de la région métropolitaine de Montréal et une comparaison de leurs profils socio-économiques/Sixty Major Study Areas and Their Comparative Socio-Economic Profiles in Metropolitan Montreal. Special Report Series No. 672. Montreal: Conseil des oeuvres de Montréal/Montreal Council of Social Agencies, 1968.
Communauté urbaine de Montréal. Architecture commerciale III : les magasins (et) les cinémas. Montréal: Communauté urbaine de Montréal, Service de la planification du territoire, 1985.
Communauté urbaine de Montréal. Architecture commerciale I : les banques. Montréal: Communauté urbaine de Montréal, Service de la planification du territoire, 1980.
Communauté urbaine de Montréal. Architecture commerciale II : les hôtels (et) immeubles de bureaux. Montréal: Communauté urbaine de Montréal, Service de la planification du territoire, 1983.
Montreal Board of Trade. Semi-Centennial Report: Sketches of the Growth of the City of Montreal from Its Foundation, Statistics of Progress and Report of the Council for 1892. Montreal: Gazette Printing Company, 1893.
Communauté urbaine de Montréal. Architecture militaire. Montréal: Communauté urbaine de Montréal, Service de la planification du territoire, 1982.
Montreal Indoor Tennis Club. A History of the Montreal Indoor Tennis Club, 1913-2013: A Centennial Celebration. Montreal: Price-Patterson Ltd., 2014.
Montreal Board of Trade. Montreal, The Imperial City of Canada, the Metropolis of the Dominion. Montreal: Trade Review Publishing Company, 1909.
Montreal Board of Trade. The Centenary of the Montreal Board of Trade, 1822-1922. Montreal: Montreal Board of Trade, 1922.
Montreal Board of Trade. A Souvenir of the Opening of the New Building, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-Three. Montreal: Sabiston Lithographic & Publishing Co., 1893.
Montreal Board of Trade. Survey of Persons with Mother-Tongue French in the Management Ranks of Montreal Area Firms, 1979 / Enquête Sur Les Personnes Dans Les Niveaux de Direction Des Entreprises de La Région de Montréal Dont La Langue Maternelle Est Le Français, 1979. Montreal: Board of Trade, 1979.
Unitarian Church of Montreal. A Century and a Half: A Collection of Sermons by Ministers of the Unitarian Church of Montreal to Celebrate Its Sesquicentennial. Montreal: The Church, 1992.
Annexation Association of Montreal. The Annexation Manifesto of 1849, Reprinted from the Original Pamphlet, with the Names of the Signers. Montreal: D. English & Co., 1881.
Royal Montreal Golf Club. The Royal Montreal Golf Club, 1873-2000. (Sam Martz Golf Collection). Montreal: The Club, 2001.
Royal Montreal Golf Club. The Royal Montreal Golf Club, 1873-1973: The Centennial of Golf in North America. Montreal: The Club, 1973.
Royal Montreal Golf Club. The Royal Montreal Golf Club, Dixie, P.Q., Founded November 4th, 1873, Incorporated May 12th, 1896, Under the Joint Stock Companies’ Incorporation Act of the Province of Quebec. Montreal: Canada Engraving & Litho. Co. Ltd., 1905.
Canadian Authors Association, Montreal Branch. Montreal in Verse. An Anthology of English Poetry by Montreal Poets. Montreal: Published by Writers of the Poetry Group of the CAA, Montreal Branch, 1942.
Mechanics’ Institute of Montreal Library. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Mechanics’ Institute of Montreal, With Rules of the Library and Reading Room. Montreal: McQueen & Corneil, 1884.
Mercantile Library Association of Montreal. Charter, Rules and Regulations, and Library Catalogue. Montreal: Wilson and Nolan, 1855.
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