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6 resources
Montreal Historical Associates. Montreal Historical Review and Catholic Parish Directory: Dedicated to 1856, the Irish Protestant Benevolent Society, 1960: 1834, St. Patrick’s Society, 1960. Montreal: D’Arcy McGee Pub., 1960.
Unitarian Church of Montreal. A Century and a Half: A Collection of Sermons by Ministers of the Unitarian Church of Montreal to Celebrate Its Sesquicentennial. Montreal: The Church, 1992.
Catholic Community Council of Montreal. Social Welfare Services of English Catholics. Montreal: [s.n.], 1930.
Presbyterian Church in Canada. Presbytery of Montreal. Presbyterian Witness in Montreal. Montreal: Presbytery of Montreal, 1989.
Communauté Urbaine de Montréal. Service de la planification. Répertoire d’architecture traditionnelle sur le territoire de la communauté urbaine de Montréal : architecture religieuse : Les églises. Montréal: CUM, Service de la planification du territoire, 1981.
Corporation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews of Montreal. Fiftieth Anniversary of the Dedication of the Stanley Street Synagogue: The Corporation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews of Montreal, Canada: “Shearith Israel”, Founded 5529 - 1768. Montreal: Corporation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews of Montreal, 1940.