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7 resources
Tulchinsky, Gerald. “Immigration and Charity in the Montreal Jewish Community before 1890.” In Immigration in Canada: Historical Perspectives, edited by Gerald Tulchinsky, 155–176. Toronto: Copp Clark Longman Inc., 1994.
Tulchinsky, Gerald. “The Contours of Canadian Jewish History.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 17, no. 4 (Winter -83 1982): 46–56.
Tulchinsky, Gerald. Taking Root: The Origins of the Canadian Jewish Community. Toronto: Lester Publishing, 1992.
Tulchinsky, Gerald. “The ‘Jewish Problem’ in Montreal Schools in the 1920s.” In Branching Out: The Transformation of the Canadian Jewish Community, 63–86. Toronto, ON: Stoddart, 1998.
Tulchinsky, Gerald. “The Third Solitude: A.M. Klein’s Jewish Montreal, 1910-1950.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 19, no. 2 (Summer 1984): 96–112.
Tulchinsky, Gerald. “Immigration and Charity in the Montreal Jewish Community Before 1890.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 16, no. 32 (November 1983): 359–380.
Tulchinsky, Gerald. Canada’s Jews: A People’s Journey. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008.