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5 resources
Wagner, Serge. “Theology for Soldiers: Elson Rexford and Khaki University.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2016.
Wagner, Serge. “Chronicles of Deaths : Epidemics in Bolton, 1867-1917.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2020.
Wagner, Serge. “Unsung and Oblitered Hero: George Harold Baker, 1877-1916.” Translated by Alex Gieysztor. Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2016.
Wagner, Serge, and Jan Johnson. Du Privé Au Public : Gravures Du Québec Provenant Des Membres de La Société Des Collectionneurs d’Estampes de Montréal / From Private to Public : Prints by Quebec Artists from the Collections of the Montreal Print Collectors’ Society. Montreal: Montreal Print Collectors’ Society, 2004.
Wagner, Serge. Austin’s Burning Past : Fires and Emergency Care from 1797 to the Present Day. Translated by Renée Donaldson. Austin, QC: Municipality of Austin, 2014.