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9 resources
Apple, Matthew T. “Irish-Canadian Intercultural Relations in Quebec: An Historical Overview.” Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture (立命館言語文化研究) Vol. 32, no. 4 (2021): 113–130.
Stock, Sandra. “Traces of Charity: St. Bridget’s Refuge.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2019.
Tétrault-Farber, Jérémy. “Une Ville - Plusieurs Reels: Montreal’s Multicultural Irish Soundscape.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 2019.
Kenneally, Michael. “The Evolution of Irish Studies at Concordia University Montreal.” Estudios Irlandeses No. 13 (February 2018): 165–168.
Tétrault-Farber, Jérémy. “Musique d’Irlande à l’image du Québec.” Bulletin APHCQ (Association des professeur.e.s d’histoire de cégeps du Québec), Hiver 2018.
National Famine Museum at Strokestown Park, Ireland; and Irish Heritage Trust. “Great Famine Voices Roadshow Montreal.” Documentary. Great Famine Voices Roadshow. Last modified 2018.
Harrigan, Camille. “Storied Stones : St. Patrick’s Basilica : History, Identity and Memory in Irish Montréal, 1847-2017.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2018.
Home-Douglas, Pierre. “Montreal’s Griffintown Reborn.” Canada’s History, May 2017.
King, Jason. “Staging Famine Irish Memories of Migration and National Performance in Ireland and Québec.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture Vol. 18, no. 4 (2016): 8 pages.