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Cooper, John Irwin. “The Origins and Early History of the Montreal City and District Savings Bank, 1846-1871.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Report 1945-1946 Vol. 13 (46 1945): 15–25.
Younge, Eva R. “Population Movements and the Assimilation of Alien Groups in Canada.” The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science/Revue canadienne d’Economique et de Science politique Vol. 10, no. 3 (August 1944): 372–380.
Nicholls, R. V. V. “A Century and a Quarter of Chemistry at McGill University.” Canadian Chemical and Process Industries Vol. 28 (August 1944): 559–566.
“First Masonic Initiation in Quebec"; and "List of Members and First Meeting of the Montreal Grand Lodge.” Public Archives of Canada, Report 1944 (1944): xxxii–xxxiii.
Cooper, John Irwin. “When the High School of Montreal and McGill Were One.” McGill News Vol. 25, no. 1 (Autumn 1943): 9–14, 55.
Lomer, Gerhard R. “Colonel Casey A. Wood, M.D., LL.D.” The American Falconer Vol. 2, no. 2 (July 1943): 8–9.
Gibbon, John Murray. “William Douw Lighthall.” The Educational Record of the Province of Quebec Vol. 59, no. 3 (September 1943): 172–177.
Rowley, Owsley Robert. “St. George’s Church, Montreal: One-Hundredth Anniversary (1843-1943).” Canadian Churchman (May 20, 1943): 308–315.
Tessier, Albert. “La vie urbaine vers 1800.” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 8 (1943): 155–179.
Danaker, J. R. “The Reverend Richard Jackson, Missionary to the Sulpicians.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association Report Vol. 11 (1944 1943): 49–54.
Berry, Gerald. “A Critical Period in St. Patrick’s Parish, Montreal – 1866-74.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association Report (44 1943): 117–128.
Lomer, Gerhard R. “The Redpath Library: Half a Century.” McGill News Vol. 21 (Autumn 1942): 9–13.
Paterson, Andrew. “The Amateur Theatricals in Montreal: Contemporary Criticisms of Dicken’s First Public Appearances as an Actor.” The Dickensian Vol. 38 (March 1, 1942): 72–74.
Long, Dorothy Elizabeth. “The Elusive Mr. Ellice.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 23, no. 1 (March 1942): 42–57.
Desrosiers, Léo-Paul. “1942.” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 7 (1942): 283–313.
Audet, Francis-J. “1842.” Les Cahiers des Dix Vol. 7 (1942): 215–254.
Wallace, W. S. “New Light on Simon McTavish.” Beaver Outfit 272 (December 1941): 48–49.
Hughes, Everett C., and Margaret L. McDonald. “French and English in the Economic Structure of Montreal.” The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science/Revue canadienne d’economique et de science politique Vol. 7, no. 4 (November 1941): 493–505.
“100th Anniversary of St. Thomas’ Church, Montreal.” Montreal Churchman Vol. 29, no. 11 (November 1941): 16–19.
Masters, D. C. “Toronto vs Montreal: The Struggle for Financial Hegemony, 1860-1875.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 22, no. 2 (June 1941): 133–146.
Woodley, E. C. “The Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning.” The Educational Record of the Province of Quebec Vol. 12, no. 3 (May 1941): 184–186.
Brown, E. K. “The Development of Poetry in Canada, 1880-1940.” Poetry Vol. 58, no. 1 (April 1941): 34–47.
Richardson, John. “An Early Effort to Obtain a Bank Charter in Lower Canada.” The Canadian Banker Vol. 48, no. 2 (January 1941): 216–227.
Spragge, George W. “Joseph Lancaster in Montreal.” Canadian Historical Review Vol. 22, no. 1 (1941): 35–41.
Reid, Matrin P. “Arrivals and Survivals - Postscript to the First Annual Issue of the Montreal True Witness and Catholic Chronicle, August 16th, 1850 - August 8th, 1851.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Report (1942 1941): 47–57.
Miller, Albert. “Canada’s Fifth Column.” Contemporary Jewish Record Vol. 3, no. 4 (August 1940): 388–395.
Massicotte, É-Z. “Les premières écoles anglaises à Montréal.” Bulletin des Recherches Historiques Vol. 46, no. 6 (Juin 1940): 169–170.
Wallace, W. S. “Forsyth, Richardson and Company in the Fur Trade.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 3rd Series, Vol. 34 (1940): 187–194.
Abramowitz, Herman. “Samuel William Jacobs.” American Jewish Year Book Vol. 41 (1940): 95–110.
Edel, Leon. “The McGill Fortnightly Review: A Casual Reminiscence.” McGill News Vol. 21, no. 1 (Autumn 1939): 19–22, 61.
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