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156 resources
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Hurley, Erin. “Changing States: The Well-Being of English Language Theater in Quebec.” In Theater and Human Flourishing, edited by Harvey Young, 154–177. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2023.
Reid, Gregory J. “Mapping Jouissance: Insights from a Case Study in the Schizophrenia of Canadian Drama.” Comparative Drama Vol. 35, no. 3–4 (2021): 291–318.
Huston, Lorne, and Marie-Thérèse Lefebvre. George M. Brewer et le milieu culturel anglophone montréalais, 1900-1950. Québec, QC: Septentrion, 2020.
Dietze, Antje. “A Middleman’s Process : Booking and Managing Musical Theater Venues in Montreal from the 1880s to the First World War.” Journal of Urban History Vol. 47 (2020).
Voldřichová Beránková, Eva. “Symbiose ou ‘solitude à trois’ ? Le théâtre yiddish à Montréal face aux communautés francophone et anglophone.” In Kanade, di Goldene Medine? : Perspectives on Canadian-Jewish Literature and Culture / Perspectives sur la litterature et la culture juives canadiennes, edited by Krzysztof Majer, Justyna Fruzińska, Józef Kwaterko, and Norman Ravvin, 205–217. Leiden, The Netherlands & Boston, MA: Brill, 2019.
Léger, Danielle. “Théâtre à Montréal, 1825-1930 : un récit visuel mettant en scène des documents patrimoniaux.” Archives Vol. 48, no. 1 (2019): 89–106.
Leofeli Romero Barlizo, Marie. “Diversity In Bloom In Montreal English Theatre.” TicArtToc, Spring 2018.
Huston, Lorne. “L’orthodoxie à l’épreuve du temps : la critique dramatique chez Samuel Morgan-Powell (1913-1953).” In Espaces critiques. Écrire sur la littérature et les autres arts au Québec (1920-1960), edited by Karine Cellard and Vincent Lambert, 35–49. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2018.
Bradley, John. “David Fennario persiste et signe : entrevue avec David Fennario.” Translated by Yves Rochon. Nouveaux Cahiers du socialisme, Hiver 2016.
Tumarkin, Pola. “An Historiographical Reading of the Founding of Canada’s National Theatre School.” PhD dissertation, York University, 2016.
Lefebvre, Marie-Thérèse. Chroniques des arts de la scène à Montréal durant l’entre-deux-guerres. Danse, théâtre, musique. Québec: Septentrion, 2016.
King, Jason. “Staging Famine Irish Memories of Migration and National Performance in Ireland and Québec.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture Vol. 18, no. 4 (2016): 8 pages.
Huston, Lorne. “Le traitement des informations culturelles dans le Montreal Daily Star et The Gazette, 1919-1939.” In Chroniques des arts de la scène à Montréal durant l’entre-deux-guerres : Danse,Théâtre, Musique, edited by Marie-Thérèse Lefebvre, 40–50. Québec: Septentrion, 2016.
Huston, Lorne. “‘Empire’ et ‘Nation’ dans le regard du Montreal Star sur la scène dramatique francophone : Les chroniques de Samuel Morgan-Powell (1913-1953).” In Chroniques des arts de la scène à Montréal durant l’entre-deux-guerres : Danse,Théâtre, Musique, edited by Marie-Thérèse Lefebvre, 167–194. Québec: Septentrion, 2016.
Gibb, Alexandra. “Beyond the Decline: Revaluing Montreal’s Movie Palaces.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2016.
Juma, Flora. “Classic Montreal: Revisiting Anglo Institutions: Centaur Theatre.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2015.
Gallop, Mark W. “Strangely Promising Talent: The Westmount Thespians Through the Decades.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2015.
Foss, Brian. “Out on the Town: Modernism, Arts and Entertainment in Montreal, 1920-33.” In 1920s Modernism in Montreal: The Beaver Hall Group, edited by Jacques Des Rochers and Brian Foss, 126–159. Montreal; Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 2015.
Duckworth, Martin. Fennario : The Good Fight. DVD Video, Documentary. Adobe Productions International, 2015.
Sajnani, Nisha, Warren Linds, Alan Wong, and Lisa Ndejuru. “Turning Together: Playback Theatre, Oral History, Trauma, and Arts-Based Research in the Montreal Life Stories Project.” In Remembering Mass Violence: Oral History, New Media and Performance, edited by Steven High, Edward Little, and Thi Ry Duong, 91–110. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2014.
Vineberg, Robert. “The British Garrison and Montreal Society, 1830-1850.” Canadian Military History Vol. 21, no. 1 (Autumn 2012): 3–16.
Moss, Jane. “’Je me souviens’ : Staging Memory in Anglo-Québécois Theatre.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 46, no. 3 (Fall 2012): 28–59.
Leroux, Louis Patrick. “Le combat de David Fennario contre l’inauthenticité.” Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 46, no. 3 (Automne 2012): 81–104.
Saint-Pierre, Christian. “Se rencontrer à mi-chemin. Entretien avec Denis Bernard.” Jeu: Revue de théâtre Vol. 145, no. 4 (2012): 63–68.
Plummer, Christopher. In Spite of Myself : A Memoir. New York, NY: Knopf, 2012.
Margolis, Rebecca. “Holocaust and Post-Holocaust Yiddish Theatre in Montreal: A Canadian Response to Catastrophe.” In Leket: Yidishe Shtudyes Haynt/Leket: Jiddistik Heute/Leket: Yiddish Studies Today, edited by Marion Aptroot, 525–540. Düsseldorf, Germany: Düsseldorf University Press, 2012.
Burns, Patricia. Life on the Home Front: Montreal 1939-1945. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2012.
Bellavance, Guy, and Christian Poirier. “Champ culturel et espace montréalais (I) : la vie culturelle à Montréal avant 1960.” In Histoire de Montréal et de sa région. Tome II. De 1930 à nos jours, edited by Dany Fougères, 1285–1320. Les régions du Québec. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2012.
Ackerman, Marianne. “Reclaiming Centre Stage: The Theatre Community of English Quebec.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2011.
Vickery, Anthony. “Two Patterns of Touring in Canada: 1896 to 1914.” Theatre Research in Canada/Recherches théâtrales au Canada Vol. 31, no. 1 (2010): 1–19.
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