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19 resources
Young, Bernard. The Young & Allied Families of Missisquoi County, Quebec. Fairport, NY: B. Young, 1979.
Lanciault, Michel. Découvrons Saint-Jean, ville historique. Québec: Ministère des affaires culturelles, 1978.
Richelieu Valley School System. Ad Hoc Committee. A Brief to the Legislative Committee on the White Paper Now Proposed, Bill 1, “A Charter for the French Language.” St. Bruno, Que: [s.n.], 1977.
Clarke, Margaret Rhynas, and Mabel Ringereide. St. James Anglican Church Cemetery: Hudson, Quebec, Vaudreuil County: Part 1 - The Original “Old” Cemetery. no. 77-9. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1977.
Hyland, Eleanor, and Mabel Ringereide. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Cemetery Recording, Como, Quebec. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1976.
Fortin, Lionel. Le maire Nelson Mott et l’histoire de Saint-Jean. Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC: Éditions Mille Roches, 1976.
Nelson, Célia. Historic Hudson : Old Cavagnal. Hudson, QC: Hudson Historical Society, 1975.
McKell, Wayne. Riverfield Curling Club, 1825-1975: An Historical Sketch. Huntingdon, QC: The Club, 1975.
McCrimmon, Don. Around and About Leslie Rennie’s Place: Fortified with Fact-and-Fancy-Filled Footnotes. Huntingdon, QC: The Châteauguay Valley Historical Society, 1975.
Hill, Robert. Pioneer Journalism in the Châteauguay Valley. Huntingdon, Que: Châteauguay Valley Historical Society, 1975.
Ellice, Jane. The Diary of Jane Ellice. Edited by Patricia Godsell. Ottawa, ON: Oberon Press, 1975.
Auclaire, Armand. Chambly: Son Histoire, Ses Services, Ses Associations, Ses Religions / Chambly: Its History, Its Services, Its Associations, Its Religions. Chambly, QC: Information Chambly, 1974.
Stephenson, Lois I. Glimpses of Old St. Henry. Hudson, QC: Hudson Historical Society, 1973.
Dickson, John K. History of the Barrie Memorial Hospital: 1939-1973, Ormstown, Quebec. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1973.
St-Aubin, Joseph-Damien. Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, 1842 à 1972 : histoire religieuse, municipale, scolaire, commerciale et industrielle. Valleyfield, QC: Impr. G. Brault, 1972.
Cumming, Ross, ed. Illustrated Atlas of the Eastern Townships and South Western Quebec. Owen Sound, ON: Richardson, Bond & Wright Ltd., 1972.
Orkin, Mark M. Speaking Canadian English: An Informal Account of the English Language in Canada. New York, NY: David McKay Company, 1970.
McGibbon, Grace D. Glimpses of the Life and Work of the Reverend Richard Bradford as Scholar, School Principal, Chaplain, Priest of the Church of England and S.P.G. Missionary. Calgary, AB: Printed at Macleod Letter and Printing Services, 1970.
Downman, Cuthbert Percival Clement, ed. A Concise, Chronological and Factual History of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Chambly, Que.: It’s [Sic] 150th Anniversary, 1820-1970. Chambly, QC: [s.n.], 1970.