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Cutting, Gerry. “Off-Island Education: The History of Champlain College.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2024.
Pocock, Joanne. Geneva’s Scrapbook: The Art of Piecing Together a Life. Hatley, QC: Shoreline Press, 2022.
Mann, J. Debbie. “The World(s) of Three Pines : Creating Community in the Novels of Louise Penny.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 48 (2020): 13–25.
O’Donnell, Brendan. “Defining a Minority: A Bibliographic Sketch of English Quebec History.” Québec Studies Vol. 56 (Fall/Winter 2013): 113–136.
Liboy, Malanga-Georges, and Michèle Vatz Laaroussi. “Langues et communautés linguistiques dans l’intégration en région : Quelle et la place des anglophones du Québec dans l’attraction et la rétention des immigrants dans leurs communautés? Une analyse comparative de quatre régions du Québec.” In Les collectivités locales au coeur de l’intégration des immigrants: Questions identitaires et stratégies régionales, edited by Michèle Vatz Laaroussi, Estelle Bernier, and Lucille Guilbert, 145–159. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2013.
Godbout, Patricia. “That Summer in North Hatley.” In In Translation: Honouring Sheila Fischman, edited by Sherry Simon, 3–12. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.
Little, J. I. “‘The Fostering Care of Government’: Lord Dalhousie’s 1821 Survey of the Eastern Townships.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 43, no. 85 (May 2010): 193–212.
Laperrière, Guy. Les Cantons-de-l’Est. Les régions du Québec, histoire en bref. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2009.
Webb, Todd. “How the Canadian Methodists Became British: Unity, Schism and Transatlantic Identity, 1827-1854.” In Transatlantic Subjects: Ideas, Institutions, and Social Experience in Post-Revolutionary British North America, edited by Nancy Christie, 159–198. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008.
Bourget, Charles. “Au-delà des deux solitudes. L’influence protestante sur l’architecture religieuse catholique en Estrie.” In Le patrimoine des minorités religieuses du Québec: richesse et vulnérabilité, edited by Marie-Claude Roicher and Marc Pelchat, 97–109. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2006.
Simonton, Kathleen Ruth. “Downhome from Ulster: Ulster Irish Immigration to the Eastern Townships of Quebec and the Development of Irish Ethnic Identity, 1814-1850.” PhD dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2005.
Lacasse, Chantal. “Quelques variations dans le français parlé à Stanstead, une communauté bilingue située à la frontière du Québec et du Vermont.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2005.
Canning, John. “Placing Quebec Nationalisms: Constructing English Identities in Quebec’s Eastern Townships.” British Journal of Canadian Studies Vol. 18, no. 1 (2005): 120–136.
Brault, Dann, Annis Karpenko, and Natalie Kishchuk. Topportunity Talks: Life Choices among English-Speaking Youth in the Eastern Townships. Lennoxville, QC: Townshippers’ Association, 2005.
Bennett, Margaret. “From the Quebec-Hebrideans to ‘Les Écossais-Québécois’: Tracing the Evolution of a Scottish Cultural Identity in Canada’s Eastern Townships.” In Transatlantic Scots, edited by Celeste Ray, 120–155. Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press, 2005.
Armstrong, Isaac. “Barbershop Talk : An Ethnographic Study of Male Townshippers.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 2005.
Karpenko, Annis, ed. An English Speaker’s Guide to Life in the Eastern Townships. Lennoxville, QC: Townshippers’ Association, 2005.
Manson, Jimmy W. From Isolation to Integration : The Changing Face of the Eastern Townships, 1830-1867. Knowlton, QC: Brome County Historical Society, 2004.
Canning, John. “Nationalism(s) as Local Practice(s): Re-Examining Quebec Nationalism in the Eastern Townships.” In The Structure and Dynamics of Rural Territories: Geographic Perspectives, edited by Christopher Bryant and Doug Ramsey, 44–61. Brandon, Man.: Rural Development Institute, Brandon University, 2004.
Roy, Louis, and Michel Verdon. “East-Farnham’s Agriculture in 1871: Ethnicity, Circumstances and Economic Rationale in Quebec’s Eastern Townships.” Canadian Historical Review Vol. 84, no. 3 (2003): 355–393.
Jahnke, Elke. Migration und Identität in einer bikulturellen Gemeinde : Anglo- und Frankokanadier zwischen Isolation und Integration 1850-1920. Frankfurt/Main, Germany: Campus, 2002.
Canning, John. “From Yankees to Québécois: Nation-Building and National Identity in Quebec’s Eastern Townships.” PhD dissertation, University of Bristol, 2002.
Baillie, Raymond, and Diana Baillie. Imprints II: Discovering the Historic Face of English Quebec. Montreal: Price-Patterson, 2002.
Little, J. I. “A Canadian in Lowell: Labour, Manhood and Independence in the Early Industrial Era, 1840-1849.” Labour/Le Travail Vol. 48 (Fall 2001): 197–263.
Fortin, Virginie. “Évolution sociolinguistique de Waterloo : en parallèle avec la société québécoise.” Research paper, Université Laval, 2001.
Clark-Jones, Melissa. “Come Join Your Friends!: A Sociological Analysis of Eastern Townships Identities.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/ Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 16 (Spring 2000): 41–54.
Smith, Andrew. “The Constitution Act of 1791 Revisited: Local Ambition or Metropolitan Fear of Revolution.” Master’s Thesis, University of Western Ontario, 2000.
Ludyvine, Millien. “Le paysage rural des Cantons de l’Est comme indicateur de(s) identité(s) québécoise(s) : études du réseau routier de la municipalité locale du canton de Barnston comme élément du paysage rural.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2000.
Duckworth, Martin. Peaceable Kingdom: Nicolas Austin, Quaker Pioneer. Documentary. White Pine Pictures, 1999.
Barry, Gwen. A History of Megantic County : Downhomers of Quebec’s Eastern Townships : Matters of Abenakis, Americans and Soldiers, the British Emigrants, Settlement and Development, the Orange Lodge, the Home Children, Religion & Ethnic Issues, Epidemics, Education, Women’s History, Commerce, and Outmigration to the Huron Tract, US Plain States, New England and the Canadian Prairies. Lower Sackville, NS: Evans Books, 1999.
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