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Crawford, David S. “Histories of Canadian Hospitals and Schools of Nursing.” Last modified 2017.
Clark, Elisabeth, Sue Hughes, and France Poulin. Frelighsburg, 1900-2017 : La vie commerciale d’hier à aujourd’hui / Commercial Life Then and Now. Frelighburg, QC: Société d’histoire et de patrimoine de Frelighburg, 2017.
Canada. Canadian Heritage. “Official Languages Research Dissemination Platform.” Map. Last modified 2017.
Beaudoin, Caroline. “Everyday Landscapes: Picturing Places of Labour, Leisure, and Industry in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, 1900-2015.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 2017.
Gagné, Jacques. “Congregationalist Churches in Lower Canada & Québec.” Last modified November 20, 2016.
Wagner, Serge. “Unsung and Oblitered Hero: George Harold Baker, 1877-1916.” Translated by Alex Gieysztor. Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2016.
Belford, Tim. “Clear and Present Danger? The 150th Anniversary of the 1866 Fenian Raid.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2016.
Beaudoin, Caroline. “Landscapes and Postcards from the Eastern Townships: A Cultural Landscape Perspective.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 47 (Fall 2016): 71–96.
Wagner, Serge. “Theology for Soldiers: Elson Rexford and Khaki University.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2016.
Gallop, Mark W. “Overlooked Quebec Churches: St. George’s Anglican Church, Clarenceville.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2016.
Leduc, Gérard. “On the Trail of Freemasonry in Potton.” Translated by Sandra Jewett. Histoire Potton History, Printemps 2016.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. “To Sojourn and to Leave : Geographical Mobility, Social and Cultural Rebalancing in One Region of Quebec : The Case of the Eastern Townships in the 19th & 20th Centuries.” Translated by Sandra Jewett. Histoire Potton History, Printemps 2016.
Hurley, Erin. “Townships Theatres: Identities and Circuits, 1935-1982.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 46 (Spring 2016): 15–35.
Bennett, Margaret. “From the Outer Hebrides to the Eastern Townships of Canada in the Nineteenth Century.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 46 (Spring 2016): 143–164.
Beaudoin, Caroline. “F.S. Coburn’s Antimodern-Modern Landscape Paintings of Quebec Loggers in the Eastern Townships.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 46 (Spring 2016): 37–57.
Roy, Julie. “Mack Sennett, producteur hollywoodien originaire des Cantons-de-l’Est.” Instantanés : La vitrine des archives de BAnQ, January 29, 2016.
Townshippers’ Association. “Profile of English-Speaking Seniors in the RTS de l’Estrie – CHUS.” Last modified 2016.
Séguin, François. D’obscurantisme et de lumières. La bibliothèque publique au Québec des origines au 21e siècle. Montréal: Hurtubise HMH, 2016.
Røsberg, Tyson L. “A Sheltered World: Remembering the Great Depression in Rural Québec and the Prairies.” Master’s thesis, Concordia University, 2016.
Parsons, Gordon C. Growing up in Knicky Knocky, Quebec. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2016.
Dansereau, Anne. The Legacy of Waterville. Waterville, QC: Société d’histoire de Waterville, 2016.
Cogné, Virginie. “Les chevaux et les chiens à Sherbrooke en 1921.” Historie Québec Vol. 22, no. 2 (2016): 27–30.
CIUSSS de l’Estrie – Chus. Responding Better to the Needs of Linguistic and Cultural Communities in the Estrie. Sherbrooke, QC: Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Estrie – Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke, 2016.
Busseau, Laurent. “The Fenians Are Coming...”: An Illustrated History of an Irish Invasion in the Early Years of Canadian Confederation (1866-1870). Stanbridge East, QC and Montreal: Missisquoi Historical Society Collection and Les Éditions Histoire Québec, 2016.
Busseau, Laurent. “Le télégraphe au XIXe siècle : The Victorian Internet au service des échanges diplomatiques canado-américains durant l’invasion fénienne de 1866 au Québec.” Histoire Québec Vol. 21, no. 3 (2016): 30–33.
Busseau, Laurent. Alcool, Crime et Prostitution: Frelighsburg de 1890 à 1930 / Alcohol, Crime and Prostitution: Frelighsburg from 1890 to 1930. Frelighsburg, QC: Société d’histoire et de patrimoine de Frelighsburg, 2016.
Belknap, Merrick, and Barbara Heath. The Man Behind the Story. Stanstead, QC: Stanstead Historical Society, 2016.
Coppenrath, Jane, Anne Leydet, and Peter Southam, eds. A Sense of Place : The Imprint of the 19th and Early 20th Century on Stanstead County. Stanstead, QC: Stanstead Historical Society, 2016.
Robinson, Jody. “The Jenks Family of Coaticook (P206).” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 45 (Fall 2015): 97–101.
Potton Heritage Association. “150th ANNIVERSARY – 150e ANNIVERSAIRE St. John’s Lodge No. 27 A.F. & A.M., G.R.Q. Mansonville 1865 - 2015.” Histoire Potton History Vol. 3, no. 3 (Fall 2015): 2–44.
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