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Cuder-Domínguez, Pilar. “Negotiations of Gender and Nationhood in Early Canadian Literature.” International Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue internationale d’études canadiennes Vol. 18 (1998): 115–131.
Carignan, Pierre. “L’incubation de la crise politique soulevée en août 1866 par la question de l’éducation : Les remous au Bas-Canada.” Revue juridique Thémis Vol. 30 (1996): 323–410.
Helbich, Wolfgang. “Bicultural Cohabitation in Waterloo, Quebec, 1850-1925.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 6 (Spring 1995): 57–68.
Desmarais, Mario. Le Royaume de la bonne entente : les Cantons-de-l’Est au 20e siècle. VHS, Documentary. Synercom Téléproduction, 1995.
Verity, Barbara, Mary Mitchell, and Louise J. Cousineau. Strategies For Our Future/Stratégies Pour Notre Avenir: An Annotated Bibliography of Publications on Minority Communities. Ascot, QC: Townshippers’ Association, 1993.
Taft, Michael. “Humorous Aspersions : The Verbal Traditions of Difference in the Eastern Townships.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 1 (Fall 1992): 55–65.
Little, J. I. “Ethnicity, Family Structure and Seasonal Labor Strategies on Quebec’s Appalachian Frontier, 1852-1881.” Journal of Family History Vol. 17, no. 3 (1992): 289–302.
Morrison, Val, Bill Reimer, and Frances M. Shaver. “English Speakers in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.” English World-Wide Vol. 12, no. 1 (1991): 63–74.
Kestreman, Jean-Pierre. “Le comportement associatif dans une ville biculturelle : Sherbrooke, 1850-1920.” In De la sociabilité: spécificité et mutations, edited by Roger Levasseur, 269–280. Montréal: Boréal, 1990.
Little, J. I. Ethno-Cultural Transition and Regional Identity in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Historical Association, 1989.
O’Keefe, Michael. “Shrinking Horizons: An Eastern Townships Minority Case Study.” Language and Society No. 25 (Winter 1988): 17–18.
Reimer, William C., and Frances M. Shaver. The Minority Community Case Study (Eastern Townships Region). 2 vols. Montreal: Department of Sociology, Concordia University, 1988.
Winter, Hal. “Exodus and Equality.” Language and Society No. 21 (Winter 1987): 16–17.
Schulte, Martin. “Relations sociales et situation spatiale des francophones et des anglophones dans trois communautés rurales bi-ethniques des Cantons de l’Est du Québec.” Études canadienne Vol. 21, no. 2 (1986): 105–113.
Rudin, Ronald. “The Megantic Outlaw and His Times: Ethnic Tensions in Quebec in the 1880s.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 18, no. 1 (1986): 16–31.
Schulte, Martin. “L’espace social des francophones et des anglophones dans une communauté rurale des Cantons de l’Est (Québec).” In Ethnicity in Canada: International Examples and Perspectives, edited by Alfred Pletsch, 184–198. Marburg/Lahn, Germany: Im Selbstverlag Des Geographischen Instituts Der Universität Marburg, 1985.
Pletsch, Alfred. “French and English Settlement in the Eastern Townships (Québec) - Conflict or Coexistence?” In Ethnicity in Canada: International Examples and Perspectives, edited by Alfred Pletsch, 164–183. Marburg/Lahn, Germany: Im Selbstverlag Des Geographischen Instituts Der Universität Marburg, 1985.
Rudin, Ronald. “Naissance et décline d’une élite locale : la Banque des Cantons de l’Est, 1859-1912.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 38, no. 2 (Automne 1984): 165–179.
Bellavance, Marcel. “La mobilité démographique et immobilière à Compton au tournant du siècle.” Cahiers de géographie du Québec Vol. 28, no. 73–74 (September 1984): 89–105.
Caldwell, Gary. Economic Opportunity for English Townshippers: Report Prepared for the Townshippers’ Association. Sherbrooke, QC: Townshippers’ Association, 1984.
Little, J. I. “The Catholic Church and French-Canadian Colonization of the Eastern Townships, 1821-51.” University of Ottawa Quarterly/Revue de l’Université d’Ottawa Vol. 52, no. 1 (March 1982): 142–165.
Lachapelle, Réjean, and Jacques Henripin. The Demolinguistic Situation in Canada: Past Trends and Future Prospects. Montreal: The Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1982.
Brochu, Pierre. Les Anglophones dans les Cantons de l’Est, 1982.
Bellavance, Marcel. A Village in Transition: Compton, Quebec, 1880-1920. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada, 1982.
McInnis, R. M. “Some Pitfalls in the 1851-1852 Census of Agriculture of Lower Canada.” Histoire sociale / Social History No. 27 (May 1981): 219–231.
Monnier, Daniel, and Gilles Sénéchal. Le statut de la langue française dans la région de l’Estrie : résultats de sondages auprès de la population. Québec: Service des communications du Conseil de la langue française, 1981.
Handrick, Philip James. “Institutions, Ideology and Power: Social Change in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.” PhD dissertation, Michigan State University, 1981.
Robitaille, Norbert, and Robert R. Bourbeau. “Présentation de la recherche ‘Migration des groupes linguistiques’ et de ses préoccupations actuelles.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 9, no. 2 (Août 1980): 185–209.
Little, J. I. “Watching the Frontier Disappear: English-Speaking Reaction to French-Canadian Colonization in the Eastern Townships, 1844-90.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 15, no. 4 (Winter -81 1980): 93–111.
Little, J. I. Colonizing an Eastern Frontier : Compton County, Quebec/Colonisation d’une Région Frontalière de l’est, Comté de Compton (Québec). Canada`s Visual History. Ottawa, ON: National Film Board of Canada: National Museums of Canada, 1980.
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