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Willis, John. “Rural Industrialization and the Great Lower Canadian Tourtière: The Montréal Region and the Seigneury of Argenteuil, circa 1800 to 1851.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 1999.
Deux Siècles de Développement à Hull/Two Centuries of Development in Hull. Hull, QC: Société d’histoire de l’Outaouais, 2000.
Black, Eleanor, and Paul Heins. The History of the Shawville-Claredon Fire Department. Shawville, QC: Printed by Pontiac Printshop Ltd., 2000.
Brown, Elaine. St. Alphonsus of Ligouri, Chapeau, Allumette Island, Pontiac County, Quebec: Cemetery Inscriptions & Burial Records. Yarker, ON: Elaine Brown, 2000.
Graham, Gordon G. Suffering from a Want of Communication : A History of Transportation in Pontiac County / Victime d’un Manque de Communication : Une Histoire Du Transport Dans Le Comté Du Pontiac. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2000.
Patterson, Jackie. The New St. Alphonsus Cemetery, Chapeau, Pontiac County, Quebec. Pembroke, ON: Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group, 2000.
Baillie, Raymond, and Diana Baillie. Imprints: Discovering the Historic Face of English Quebec. Montreal: Price-Patterson, 2001.
Mondoux, Michelle. Aylmer, Québec, 1847-2001 : profils biographiques des maires et des membres du dernier conseil /Biographic Profiles of its Mayors and Members of the Last Council. Hull, QC: M. Mondoux, 2001.
Pritchard, Alexa J., and Mary Gail Wilson. Anselm Maxwell & His Celtic Connections, 1822: Pioneer Families of the Upper Gatineau. Ottawa, ON: Intrepid Communications, 2001.
Thomas, Johanna. “The Influence of French on English in an Anglophone Community from Hull, Quebec: A Study of the Agentless Passive.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Poitiers, 2001.
Willis, John. “Le bicentenaire de Hull.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 64 (Hiver 2001): 47.
Bouvier, Luc. Les sacrifiés de la bonne entente : histoire des francophones du Pontiac. Montréal: Éditions de l’Action nationale, 2002.
Elliott, Bruce S., and DeAlton Owens. The McCabe List : Early Irish in the Ottawa Valley. Rev. ed. Toronto, ON: Ontario Genealogical Society, 2002.
Guitard, Michelle. Le domaine de la ferme Moore, Gatineau : une propriété agricole devenue un domaine équestre : de la famille Wright aux Parker-Moore, 150 ans d’histoire : rapport synthèse. Ottawa, ON: Commission de la Capitale nationale, 2002.
Babinska, Anna. Trap, Axe and Plough: The Settlement of the Pontiac. Shawville, QC: Dickson Enterprises, 2003.
Buck, M. Laurel. The Spiral Road: Reflections of Life Journey and Travel, Turned Pilgrimage. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC: Shoreline, 2003.
Deschesnes, Marthe, Stéphanie Demers, and Philippe Finès. Styles de vie des jeunes du secondaire en Outaouais, 1991-1996-2002. Québec: Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Outaouais, Direction de la santé publique, 2003.
Deschesnes, Marthe, Stéphanie Demers, and Philippe Finès. Trends in Adolescent Lifestyles in the Outaouais, 1991 - 1996 - 2002 : [Results for the Anglophone Students of the Western Quebec School Board]. Gatineau, QC: Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Outaouais, Direction de la santé publique, 2003.
Devine, Earl and Daisy. For Richer For Poorer. Shawville, QC: Life Profiles, 2003.
Geggie, Norma. Wakefield Revisited. Chelsea, QC: Castenchel Editions, 2003.
Thomas, Johanna. “The Influence of French on English in an Anglophone Community from Hull, Quebec: A Study of the Agentless Passive.” Études canadiennes/Canadian Studies No. 55 (2003): 69–84.
Poutanen, Mary Anne. “‘Unless She Gives Better Satisfaction’: Teachers, Protestant Education and Community in Rural Quebec, Lochaber and Gore District, 1863-1945.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation Vol. 15, no. 2 (Fall 2003): 237–272.
Lapointe, Pierre-Louis. L’Île de Hull : une promenade dans le temps. Québec: Les Éditions GID, 2004.
Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group. 1891 Census of Sheen, Aberdeen, Esher & Malakoff Townships, Pontiac County, Quebec. Pembroke, ON: Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group, 2004.
Castonguay, Charles. “Le bien-fondé de la clause Québec dans l’Outaouais, vingt ans après le coup de force constitutionnel de 1982.” Bulletin d’histoire politique Vol. 12, no. 2 (Hiver 2004): 174–188.
Bégin, Richard M. “L’hôtel British d’Aylmer au coeur de l’histoire de la Vallée de l’Outaouais.” Histoire Québec, November 2004.
Martin, Carol. In Memory of Chelsea’s Historic Cemeteries: Stories of the Old Chelsea Protestant Burial Ground, Chelsea Pioneer Cemetery, St. Stephen’s Cemetery, and Chelsea’s Homestead Plots. Chelsea, QC: Castenchel Editions, 2005.
McConnell, Randy Dewar. Quyon United Church: Death Records, 1859-1930: With Selected Additional Genealogical Information. Ottawa, ON: R.D. McConnell, 2005.
McKay, Joan, and Dolly Allen. The Shawville “Equity”: Birth, Marriage and Death Extracts. 4 vols. [S.l.]: Joan McKay & Dolly Allen, 2005.
Bégin, Richard M. “Le chemin et le « port » d’Aylmer : la voie de l’Outaouais supérieur.” Histoire Québec, Juin 2005.
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