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Hill, Micharl. The Lost Prime Ministers : Macdonald’s Successors Abbott, Thompson, Bowell, and Tupper. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press, 2022.
Páez Silva, Alejandro A., and Louis Cornelissen. Knowledge and Use of the Official Minority Language at Work by Healthcare Workers, 2001 to 2016. [Ottawa, ON]: Statistics Canada, 2021.
Campey, Lucille H. Ontario and Quebec’s Irish Pioneers: Farmers, Labourers and Lumberjacks. [Irish in Canada]. Toronto, ON: Dundurn, 2018.
Aldred, Diane. Aylmer. Québec : Its Heritage / Son Patrimoine. Translated by Jean Bouchard. Aylmer, QC: Aylmer Heritage Association / Association du patrimoine d’Aylmer, 2016.
McMahon, Terry J. Down to the Gore: The History of the McMahons in Canada. [S.l.]:, 2014.
Blanchard, Rick J. The Chief’s Footsteps : A Social and Natural History Based on the Life and Times of Roy Peck of Danford Lake, Québec. Victoria, BC: Friesen Press, 2014.
Trempe, Normand, Amadou Diogo Barry, Marie-Hélène Lussier, and Ernest Lo. Avoidable Mortality of the Two Main Linguistic Communities in Québec. Québec: Institut national de santé publique du Québec, 2013.
Paré, Benoit, and Ruth Hearty. Fort-Coulonge : Pour Mieux Connaître Son Histoire. Fort-Coulonge, QC: Municipalité de Fort-Coulonge, 2013.
Campey, Lucille H. Seeking a Better Future: The English Pioneers of Ontario and Quebec. Toronto, ON: Dundrum Press, 2012.
Pritchard, Alexa J. Celebrating 150 Years, Aylwin Township. Ottawa, ON: Intrepid Communications, 2010.
Trew, Johanne Devlin. Place, Culture and Community: The Irish Heritage of the Ottawa Valley. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
Blanchette, Roger. L’Outaouais/The Outaouais. Québec: Les presses de l’Université Laval, 2009.
Joyce, Catherine. Artists of the Gatineau Hills. Chelsea, QC: Waneva Books, 2007.
Smith, Charles H., and Ian Dyck, eds. William Logan’s 1845 Survey of the Upper Ottawa Valley. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Museum of Civilization/Musée canadien des civilizations, 2007.
1891 Census of Allumette Island and Chapeau Village, Pontiac County, Quebec. Pembroke, ON: Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group, 2007.
Martin, Michael. Working Class Culture and the Development of Hull, Quebec, 1800-1929. Gatineau, QC: J. Bernier, 2006.
Lee, David. Lumber Kings and Shantymen: Logging and Lumbering in the Ottawa Valley. Toronto, ON: James Lorimer & Company, 2006.
Lapointe, Pierre-Louis. La ville assiégée : Buckingham et la Basse-Lièvre sous les MacLarens, 1895-1945. Gatineau, QC: Vents d’ouest, 2006.
Crawford, Venetia. Pontiac Village and Mondion Point. Shawville, QC: Dickson Enterprises, 2006.
Campey, Lucille H. Les Écossais: The Pioneer Scots of Lower Canada, 1763-1855. Toronto, ON: Natural Heritage Books, 2006.
McKay, Joan, and Dolly Allen. The Shawville “Equity”: Birth, Marriage and Death Extracts. 4 vols. [S.l.]: Joan McKay & Dolly Allen, 2005.
McConnell, Randy Dewar. Quyon United Church: Death Records, 1859-1930: With Selected Additional Genealogical Information. Ottawa, ON: R.D. McConnell, 2005.
Martin, Carol. In Memory of Chelsea’s Historic Cemeteries: Stories of the Old Chelsea Protestant Burial Ground, Chelsea Pioneer Cemetery, St. Stephen’s Cemetery, and Chelsea’s Homestead Plots. Chelsea, QC: Castenchel Editions, 2005.
Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group. 1891 Census of Sheen, Aberdeen, Esher & Malakoff Townships, Pontiac County, Quebec. Pembroke, ON: Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group, 2004.
Lapointe, Pierre-Louis. L’Île de Hull : une promenade dans le temps. Québec: Les Éditions GID, 2004.
Geggie, Norma. Wakefield Revisited. Chelsea, QC: Castenchel Editions, 2003.
Devine, Earl and Daisy. For Richer For Poorer. Shawville, QC: Life Profiles, 2003.
Deschesnes, Marthe, Stéphanie Demers, and Philippe Finès. Trends in Adolescent Lifestyles in the Outaouais, 1991 - 1996 - 2002 : [Results for the Anglophone Students of the Western Quebec School Board]. Gatineau, QC: Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Outaouais, Direction de la santé publique, 2003.
Deschesnes, Marthe, Stéphanie Demers, and Philippe Finès. Styles de vie des jeunes du secondaire en Outaouais, 1991-1996-2002. Québec: Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Outaouais, Direction de la santé publique, 2003.
Buck, M. Laurel. The Spiral Road: Reflections of Life Journey and Travel, Turned Pilgrimage. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC: Shoreline, 2003.
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