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19 resources
Richardson, Mary. Evaluation of Community Services for English-Speaking Seniors in Gaspé-Magdalen Islands. Committee for Anglophone Social Action; Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders; Vision Gaspé-Percé Now, 2019.
Committee for Anglophone Social Action (CASA); Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders (CAMI); Vision Gaspé-Percé Now. Bright Beginnings : Supporting English-Speaking Children and Families in the Gaspé and Magdalen Islands, 2017-2020. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2017.
Burke, Helena, Lisa Craig, and Mary Richardson. Améliorer la santé et le bien-être des Madelinots anglophones. Une évaluation des besoins : mieux comprendre la situation actuelle des aînés. Grosse-Ile, QC: Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders, 2017.
Clark, Byron. Grosse-Ile (A Glimpse of the Past). Grosse-Île, Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, QC: Grosse Ile Heritage Society, 2017.
Skinner Flowers, Diane. G Is for the Gaspé : An Alphabet of the Gaspésie. New Carlisle, QC: Committee for Anglophone Social Action, 2011.
Arseneau Bussières, Stéphanie, and Hélène Chevrier. Socio-Economic Profile of the Magdalen Islands’ English-Speaking Community. Harve-aux-Maisons, QC: Centre de recherche sur les milieux insulaires et maritimes (CERMIM), 2008.
Koulouris, Élisabeth, Julie Lavallée, and Yves Poirier. Socio-Economic Profile of Anglophone Communities, Maritime Sectors of Quebec 2006. Quebec: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Quebec Region, 2006.
Hébert, Yves. New Richmond : une histoire d’entente et de cordialité. Québec: Éditions GID, 2005.
Committee for Anglophone Social Action. Once Upon A Time In The Gaspé. Westmount, QC: Price-Patterson, 2005.
Bélanger, Mauril. Access to Health Care for the Official Language Minority Communities : Legal Bases, Current Initiatives and Future Prospects : Report of the Standing Committee on Official Languages. Ottawa, ON: House of Commons. Standing Committee on Official Languages., 2003.
Clarke, Jean. Historical Heritage Sites of the Magdalen Islands’ Anglophone Communities / Les Sites Patrimoniaux Historiques Des Communautés Anglophones Des Îles-de-La-Madeleine. Translated by Gilberte Chevarie. Grosse-Île, Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, QC: C.A.M.I. (Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders), 2003.
Beaudin, Maurice, Boudreau René, and George De Beneditti. Le dynamisme socio-économique des communautés de langue officielle. Ottawa, ON: Canada. Patrimoine canadien / Canadian Heritage, 1997.
Beaudin, Maurice, René Boudreau, and George De Benedetti. The Socio-Economic Vitality of Official Language Communities. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Heritage, 1997.
Ouellet, Vanessa. When I Leave the House and Go to the Wharf, My Aim Is Prevention : Alcohol and Drug Prevention for 12 to 30 Year Olds on the East End of the Magdalen Islands. Translated by Rory Miller. Grosse-Île QC: Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders, 1994.
Otis, Guy. Moi Jim — Anglais? Un vrai Québécois, une compagnie d’origine écossaise, un village gaspésien. [Maskinongé, QC: G. Otis, 1992.
Campbell, Art. Words and Expressions of the Gaspé. Grand Cascapedia, QC: A. Campbell, 1986.
Hébert, Jacques. The Coffin Affair. Toronto, ON: General Paperbacks, 1982.
Mimeault, Mario. Saint-Patrick de Douglastown, 1845-1978: Mariages et Annotations Marginales. Gaspé, QC: [s.n.], 1981.
Hunter, Margaret M. Pioneer Settlers of the Bay Chaleur in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Bathurst, NB: Chaleur Evening Stars, 1978.