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5 resources
Vatz Laaroussi, Michèle, Javorka Sarenac, Shannon Lemay, Caroline Duteau, Ourakoie Bembello, Irma Silva-Herrera, Frantzy Narcius, and In collaboration with Voice of English Québec (VEQ). Best Practices and Best Strategies Used by Anglophone Organizations to Welcome and Integrate Immigrants in Québec City. Ottawa, ON: Refugees and Citizenship Canada / Immigration, réfugiés et citoyenneté Canada, 2015.
Qu’anglo Communications & Consulting. Vitality Indicators for Official Language Minority Communities 2 : Three English-Speaking Communities in Quebec: The English-Speaking Community of Québec City. Ottawa, ON: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, 2008.
D’Amours, Isabelle. Les communautés culturelles de la région de Québec. Tome II. Québec: CELAT, 1990.
Laurin, J. E. Histoire économique de Montréal et des cités et villes du Québec. [Ottawa, ON]: Les Éditions J.E. Laurin, 1942.
Russell, Willis. Quebec, as It Was, and as It Is, or, A Brief History of the Oldest City in Canada, from Its Foundation to the Present Time : With a Guide for Strangers to the Different Places of Interest within the City, and Adjacent Thereto. 1st ed. Quebec: Printed for the Proprietor, by P. Lamoureaux, 1857.