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8 resources
Ortenberg, Michael, and Charlotte Huberman. Stories of Nathan Ortenberg in Rural Quebec. Edited by Ronald Ortenberg. [Montreal]: [s.n.], 2021.
Anctil, Pierre. History of the Jews in Quebec. Translated by Judith Weisz Woodsworth. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press, 2021.
Anctil, Pierre. Antijudaïsme et influence nazie au Québec : Le cas du journal L’Action catholique (1931-1939). Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2021.
Rainville, Paul-Etienne. “’Un programme unique dans le monde entier’ : le Congrès juif canadien et la lutte pour le droit à l’égalité « raciale » et religieuse au Québec (1945-1950).” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 53, no. 109 (November 2020): 597–624.
Levine, Saul. “A Psychiatrist’s Life Journey Through Anti-Semitism.” In Anti-Semitism and Psychiatry : Recognition, Prevention, and Interventions, edited by H. Steven Moffic, John R. Peteet, Ahmed Hankir, and Mary V. Seeman, 113–124. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020.
Durou, Guillaume. “’Contre tous les youpins du monde’ : la ville de Québec au temps de l’antisémitisme (1890–1914).” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 30 (2020): 42–66.
Cohen, Gilli. “Uncovering the Historical Consolidation of Montreal’s Contemporary Jewish Polity (1882-1948).” DOROT: The McGill Undergraduate Journal of Jewish Studies Vol. 19 (2021 2020): 61–78.
Brym, Robert J., Keith Neuman, and Rhonda L. Lenton. “2018 Survey of Jews in Canada: Executive Summary.” In American Jewish Year Book 2019 : The Annual Record of the North American Jewish Communities Since 1899, edited by Arnold Dashefsky and Ira M. Sheskin, 119:247–261. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2020.