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Tzuk, Yogev. “A Jewish Communal Welfare Institution in a Changing Society, Montreal 1920-1980.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 1981.
Ballon, Harry C., and Samuel C. Ballon. “Hiram Nahum Vineberg, 1857-1945.” Canadian Jewish Historical Society Journal Société de l’histoire juive canadienne Vol. 3, no. 1 (Spring 1979): 1–9.
Small, Rona, and Paul Goldhamer. “The Professional Role Within a Self-Help Model: A ‘Widow-to-Widow’ Project.” Journal of Jewish Communal Service Vol. 56, no. 2 (Winter 1979): 176–180.
Teitelbaum, Matthew David. “The Institutional Immigrant Aid Effort in the Montreal Jewish Community: A Study in Development, 1847-1930.” B.A. research essay, Carleton University, 1979.
Reichson-Kolb, Penni. “Access to Social Service in the Jewish Community: Issues and Responses.” Research report, McGill University, 1978.
Piasetzki, Myra. “Decision-Making in the Jewish Community: A Comparative Study of Allied Jewish Community Services Decision-Makers and Other Constituent Groups, August 1977.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1977.
King, Joe. Six Decades. Montreal: Allied Jewish Community Services, 1977.
Brownstein, Solomon. “‘La Reforme’ in Quebec Health and Social Services; Impact on Jewish Casework Studies.” Journal of Jewish Communal Service Vol. 51, no. 2 (December 1974): 162–170.
Zeitz, Mordecai E. “The History of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of Montreal.” PhD dissertation, Yeshiva University, 1974.
Horowitz, Isadore. “Lung Cancer Among the Jewish and Non-Jewish of Montreal, Quebec, 1956-1966: Mortality Rates, and Cigarette Smoking Behaviour.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1971.
Horowitz, Isadore, and Philip E. Enterline. “Lung Cancer Among the Jews.” American Journal of Public Health Vol. 60, no. 2 (February 1970): 275–282.
Issenman, Betty. “Attitudes of Welfare Voluntary Leadership of Two Minority Groups to Social Welfare Issues: A Study of Attitudes of the Officers of the Boards of the Federation of Catholic Charities and the Allied Jewish Community Services in Greater Montreal to Four Areas of Concern in Welfare.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1969.
Shlossman, Morton L., Alvin Bronstein, and Charlotte Bronstein. Highlights of 50 Years Community Service. Montreal: Allied Jewish Community Services of Montreal, 1967.
Bissett, Mary Elizabeth, and Richard Zeilinger. “Survival Through Change: An Historical Study of the Baron de Hirsch Institute of Montreal, 1863-1963.” Research report, McGill University, 1967.
Rosenberg, Louis. The Number, Age & Sex Distribution & Marital Status of Jews 60 Years of Age & Over in the Metropolitan Census Area of Montreal and in the Larger Municipal Areas within Metropolitan Montreal in 1961. Series A, no. 6. Montreal: Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1966.
Etziony, M. B. History of the Montreal Clinical Society. Montreal Clinical Society: Montreal, 1963.
Baron de Hirsch Institute: Centennial, 1863-1963. Montreal: [s.n.], 1963.
Memoirs of Mercy. Montreal: The Women’s Auxiliary of the Jewish General Hospital, 1962.
Henripin, Jacques. “L’inégalité sociale devant la mort : la mortinatalité et la mortalité infantile à Montréal.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 2, no. 1 (January 1961): 3–33.
Loeb, Bernice Peritz. “The First Years of Medical Practice: A Study of the Initiation of Medical Practice by Fifty-Two Montreal Jewish Physicians Graduated Since 1940.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1959.
Rosenberg, Louis. Changes in the Jewish Population in the Old Area of Jewish Settlement in Montreal Within a Radius of One Mile from Corner of Jeanne Mance St. & Villeneuve Ave., in the Period from 1951 to 1957. Series A, no. 3. Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress, Bureau of Social and Economic Research, 1958.
Rosenberg, Louis. Changing Needs of the Jewish Community. Series A, no. 4. Montreal: Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1958.
Kage, Joseph. “Jewish Immigration and Immigrant Aid Effort in Canada, 1760-1957.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 1958.
Rosenberg, Louis. “Birth, Death and Morbidity Among Jews in Montreal in 1950.” Jewish Social Stidies Vol. 15, no. 2 (April 1953): 101–112.
Shriar, Rupert. “Independent Jewish Societies of Montreal: A Survey of the Nature and Extent of Philanthropic Programmes - 1949.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1953.
Fraser, Mary Constance. “The Convalescent Care of Children in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1951.
Spector, Esther. “A Study of Clothing Budgets on a Minimum Adequate Standard for a Family Agency in Montreal, 1947-1948.” Research report, McGill University, 1949.
Solomon, David N. “The Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Montreal: A Study of the Role of the Formal and Informal in an Ethnic Institution.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1942.
Gold, Rosalynd. “Occupational Selection and Adjustment in the Jewish Group in Montreal with Special Reference to the Medical Profession.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1942.
Hart, Arthur Daniel, ed. The Jew in Canada: A Complete Record of Canadian Jewry from the Days of the French Régime to the Present Time. Toronto & Montreal: Jewish Publications Limited, 1926.
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