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Simon, Sherry. “Chava Rosenfarb, le yiddish et Montréal.” In Kanade, di Goldene Medine? : Perspectives on Canadian-Jewish Literature and Culture / Perspectives sur la litterature et la culture juives canadiennes, edited by Krzysztof Majer, Justyna Fruzińska, Józef Kwaterko, and Norman Ravvin, 191–204. Leiden, The Netherlands & Boston, MA: Brill, 2019.
Rosenfarb, Chava. Confessions of a Yiddish Writer and Other Essays. Edited by Goldie Morgentaler. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019.
Rachwal, Maria Noriega. “"A Jewish Maestra and a Lady Too’: Reflections on Femininity in the Career of Ethel Stark.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 28 (2019): 74–103.
Klassen, Magdalene. “Going Out into the World : The ‘Strategic Approach’ of Jewish Members of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire, 1900-1939.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 28 (2019): 34–53.
Goldbloom, Sheila Barshay. Opening Doors. Montreal: John Aylen Books, 2019.
Robins Sharpe, Emily. “‘The Heart above the Ruins’: Miriam Waddington’s Poetry, the Spanish Civil War, and Jewish Canadian Literature.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 28 (2018): 56–74.
Lei, Da (Linda), and Arlene Greenberg. “A Glimpse at the Treasures of the Jewish General Hospital Archives.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 25 (2017): 171–176.
Gasztold, Brygida. “Montreal Jews, Eastern European Survivors, and the Intergenerational Legacy of the Holocaust in Nancy Richler’s The Imposter Bride.” TransCanadiana : Polish Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue Polonaise d’Études Canadienne Vol. 9 (2017): 152–168.
Rosenblatt Mauer, Shana. “Women in Mordecai Richler’s Novels: Is There a Problem?” Studies in American Jewish Literature Vol. 35, no. 2 (2016): 178–186.
Morgentaler, Goldie. “‘I Am Still There’: The Recreation of Jewish Poland in the Canadian Novels of Chava Rosenfarb.” Studies in American Jewish Literature Vol. 35, no. 2 (2016): 187–199.
Shahar, Charles. 2011 National Household Survey: The Jewish Community of Montreal. Part 10: Holocaust Survivors. Montreal: Federation CJA and Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, 2015.
Skinazi, Karen E. H. “KOL ISHA: Malka Zipora’s Lekhaim as the Voice of the Hasidic Women in Quebec.” Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies Vol. 33, no. 2 (Winter 2015): 1–26.
Spergel, Julie. “Gendered Experience in Chava Rosenfarb’s The Tree of Life : A Trilogy of Life in the Łódź Ghetto.” In Women Writers of Yiddish Literature : Critical Essays, edited by Rosemary Horowitz, 208–229. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2015.
Pottier, Anna. Good As Gone: My Life with Irving Layton. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press, 2015.
Gauvreau, Danielle, and Patricia Thornton. “Marrying ‘the Other’: Trends and Determinants of Culturally Mixed Marriages in Québec, 1880-1940.” Canadian Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 47, no. 3 (2015): 111–141.
Abramson, Zelda. “From Rags to Comfort: Women Holocaust Survivors Rebuilding Lives in Montreal, 1947-1958.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 23 (2015): 92–117.
Eidinger, Andrea Ellen. “Looking Jewish: The Emergence of Gender, Class and Ethnicity Among Ashkenazi Women in Montreal, 1945-1980.” Histoire sociale/Social History. Vol. 47, no. 95 (November 2014): 729–746.
Shahar, Charles. 2011 National Household Survey: The Jewish Community of Montreal. Part 3: Jewish Seniors. Part 4: The Jewish Poor. Montreal: Federation CJA and Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, 2014.
Yelin, Shulamis, Gilah Yelin Hirsch, and Nancy Marrelli. Demonic to Divine: The Double Life of Shulamis Yelin. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2014.
Waddington, Miriam. The Collected Poems of Miriam Waddington : A Critical Edition. Edited by Ruth Panofsky. 2 vols. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press, 2014.
Melammēd, Renée Lēwîn. An Ode to Salonika : The Ladino Verses of Bouena Sarfatty. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2013.
Guttman, Rebecca. “Jewish Law, Jewish Ethics and Quebec’s Culture: Potential Influences on the Experience of Infertility for Hasidic Women in Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2013.
Mines, Rachel. “A Canadian-Born Holocaust Survivor: Identity and Continuity.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 20 (2012): 57–91.
Kirkland, Elizabeth. “Mothering Citizens: Elite Women in Montreal, 1890-1914.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2012.
Golick, Margie. The Life and Rhymes of a Jewish Mother. Westmount, QC: Marpego Enterprises, 2012.
Boutin, Sylvie-Anne. “Analyse des figures féminines juives dans le roman québécois moderne et contemporain : L’avalée des avalés, La Québécoite et Hadassa.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2012.
Cohen, Yolande. “Immigrant Aid in Quebec 1867-1939: Gender, Religion and Ethnicity.” Québec Studies Vol. 52 (Fall /Winter 2012 2011): 5–31.
Eidinger, Andrea Ellen. “What My Mother Taught Me: The Construction of Canadian Jewish Womanhood in Montreal, 1945-1980.” PhD dissertation, University of Victoria, 2011.
Cohen, Judith R. “Selanikli Humour in Montreal : The Repertoire of Bouena Sarfatty Garfinkle.” In Judeo Espaniol : Textos Satíricos Judeoespañoles, de Salonicenses o Sobre Salonicences / Judeo-Espaniol : Satirical Texts in Judeo-Spanish by and about the Jews in Thessaloniki, edited by Rena Molho, Hilary Pomeroy, and Elena Romero, 220–242. Thessaloniki, Greece: ETS Ahaim Foundation, 2011.
Bradbury, Bettina. Wife to Widow: Lives, Law and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Montreal. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press, 2011.
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