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McCutcheon, Shawn. “Honnêtes hommes et gentilshommes : L’éducation classique des garçons et la formation du soi masculin au Bas-Canada à l’âge des révolutions (1791-1840).” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2021.
Fournier, Marcel. Les premières familles anglo-canadiennes issues des mariages mixtes au Québec, 1760-1780. Montréal: Archiv-Histo, 2021.
Angers, Séverine. “Marrying a Redcoat: Women’s Experiences of Marriage in the British Garrison of Quebec City, 1763-1820.” Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University, 2021.
Donovan, Patrick. “The Boundaries of Charity : The Impact of Ethnic Relations on Private Charitable Services for Quebec City’s English-Speakers, 1759-1900.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 2019.
Uzzell, Lawrence A. “James Murray: A Forgotten Champion of Religious Freedom.” Catholic Historical Review Vol. 104, no. 1 (January 2018): 57–91.
MacLeod, Roderick. “Montreal’s Old Cemeteries.” In Montreal : The History of a North American City, edited by Dany Fougères and Roderick MacLeod, 1:374–379. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
Tremblay Lamarche, Alex. “De la « trahison de sa race et de la langue de ses pères » à un champ d’études en développement : Brève étude historiographique des mariages interreligieux au Québec des origines jusqu’à nos jours.” In Le Québec sous toutes ses échelles : 20 ans de recherche au CIEQ : actes des 19e et 20e colloques étudiants du CIEQ, edited by Lauréanne Daneau, Joseph Gagné, and Alex Tremblay Lamarche, 15–25. Québec: CIÉQ, Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises, 2016.
Little, Ann M. The Many Captivities of Esther Wheelwright. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016.
Patterson, Raymond. “Passing Years.” Last modified 2015.
MacLeod, Roderick, and Mary Anne Poutanen. “Rural Protestant Schools.” In Les Chantiers de l’Atlas Historique Du Québec : L’École Au Québec : Éducation, Identités et Cultures, edited by Brigitte Caulier, Andrée Dufour, and Thérèse Hamel, 19p. Québec et Trois-Rivières: Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises (CIEQ), 2015.
Epstein, Clarence. Montreal, City of Spires: Church Architecture During the British Colonial Period, 1760-1860. [Patrimoine urbain 7]. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2012.
Boileau, Roger. “L’Église et le sport au Québec à la lumière du concept d’acculturation.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 2007.
Little, Ann M. “Cloistered Bodies: Convents in the Anglo-American Imagination in the British Conquest of Canada.” Eighteenth Century Studies Vol. 39, no. 2 (Winter 2006): 187–200.
Noppen, Luc, and Lucie K. Morisset. Les églises du Québec : un patrimoine à réinventer. Sainte-Foy, QC: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2005.
Stanbridge, Karen. Toleration and State Institutions: British Policy Towards Catholics in Eighteenth Century Ireland and Quebec. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2003.
Fortin, Francine. Guide Des Registres d’état Civil Du Québec. Catholiques, Protestants et Autres Dénominations, 1621-2000 / Guide to Quebec’s Parishes, Civil Registers and Census. Catholic, Protestant and Other Denominations. Montréal: Société généalogique canadienne-française, 2001.
Quintin, Robert J. Parish and Town Guide to the Province of Quebec: A Listing of All Pre-1901 Quebec Province Catholic Churches. Pawtucket, RI: Quintin Publications, 1999.
Epstein, Clarence. “Church Architecture in Montreal During the British-Colonial Period, 1760-1860.” PhD dissertation, University of Edinburgh, 1999.
Thério, Adrien. Un siècle de collusion entre le clergé et le gouvernement britannique : anthologie des mandements des évêques, 1760-1867. Montréal: XYZ éditeur, 1998.
Stanbridge, Karen A. “British Catholic Policy in Eighteenth-Century Ireland and Quebec.” PhD dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1998.
White, Jeanne Sauve. Guide to Quebec Catholic Parishes and Published Parish Marriage Records. Baltimore, MD: Printed for Clearfield Company by Genealogical Publishing Company, 1993.
MacDonald, Duncan (Darby). Selected Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths for Early Scots & Irish from Notre Dame de Montreal, Est. 1642 : As Well As Some Family Names of English, German, French, Etc., Origin, Which Your Author/Editor Felt Would Be of Interest. Brockville, ON: D.W. MacDonald, 1992.
Drouin, François. “La population urbaine de Québec, 1795-1971. Origines et autres caractéristiques de recensement.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 19, no. 1 (Printemps 1990): 95–112.
Robert, Normand, and Michel Thibault. Catalogue Des Immigrants Catholiques Des Îles Britanniques Avant 1825/Catalog of Catholic Immigrants from the British Isles before 1825. Montréal: Société de recherche historique archiv-histo, 1988.
Noël, Françoise. Competing For Souls: Missionary Activity and Settlement in the Eastern Townships, 1784-1851. (Histoire des cantons de l’Est, 8). Sherbrooke, QC: Départment d’histoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 1988.
Hoy, Agnes Gertrude. “The Political Significance of the Roman Catholic and Anglican Bishops from the Conquest Through the American Revolution (1759-93) in the Writing of Canadian History.” Master’s Thesis, University of Windsor, 1978.
Noppen, Luc. Les églises du Québec, 1600-1850. Québec: Éditeur officiel du Québec, 1977.
Noël Smith, Françoise. “The Establishment of Religious Communities in the Eastern Townships of Lower Canada, 1799 to 1851.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1977.
Landry, Yves. “Étude critique du recensement du Canada de 1765.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 29, no. 3 (Décembre 1975): 323–351.
Hare, John. “La population de la Ville de Québec, 1795-1805.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 7, no. 13 (Mai 1974): 23–47.
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