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19 resources
Williams, Dorothy W. “‘No Sir, It’s St. Henry for Me!’ : A Black History of St. Henri.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2025.
Williams, Dorothy W. “Montreal’s Black Porters : A Legacy to Celebrate.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2022.
Hampton, Rosalind, and Désirée Rochat. “To Commit and To Lead : Black Women Organizing Across Communities in Montreal.” In African Canadian Leadership : Continuity, Transition, and Transformation, edited by Tamari Kitossa, Erica S. Lawson, and Philip S. S. Howard, 149–169. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2019.
Livingstone, Anne-Marie, and Morton Weinfeld. “Black Students and High School Completion in Quebec and Ontario: A Multivariate Analysis.” Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie Vol. 54, no. 2 (May 2017): 174–197.
Nelson, Charmaine A. “Sugar Cane, Slaves and Ships: Colonialism, Geography and Power in Nineteenth-Century Landscapes of Montreal and Jamaica.” In Living History: Encountering the Memory of the Heirs of Slavery, edited by Ana Lucia Araujo, 19–56. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
Whitley, Rob, and Steve Green. “Psychosocial Stressors and Buffers Affecting Black Women in Montreal.” Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health/Revue canadienne de santé mentale communautaire Vol. 27, no. 1 (Spring 2008): 37–48.
Whitley, Rob, Laurence J. Kirmayer, and Danielle Groleau. “Public Pressure, Private Protest: Illness Narratives of West Indian Immigrants in Montreal with Medically Unexplained Symptoms.” Anthropology & Medicine Vol. 13, no. 3 (December 2006): 193–205.
Flegel, Peter F. “Challenges to Canadian Multiculturalism: The Case of Black Montreal.” Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens (February 2002): 39–41.
Hoerder, Dirk. “Immigrants in Montreal.” In Creating Societies: Immigrant Lives in Canada, 71–84. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999.
Juteau, Danielle, and Sylvie Paré. “L’entrepteneurship à Côte-des-Neiges: le périmètre Victoria/Van Horne.” In Le quartier Côte-des-Neiges à Montréal : les interfaces de la pluriethnicité, edited by Deirdre Meintel, Victor Piché, Danielle Juteau, and Sylvie Fortin, 129–160. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1997.
Joy, Annamma, and Clarence Bayne. Business and the Arts: The Black Theatre Workshop in Canada. Montreal: Faculty of Commerce and Administration, Concordia University, 1991.
Bayne, Clarence S. Social and Economic Profile of the Black Community in Montreal. Montreal: C. Bayne, 1991.
Fiore, Anna-Maria, and Karin Michnick. Compte rendu de la rencontre d’information entre la ville de Montréal et la Communauté noire anglophone. Montréal: Ville de Montréal, Service de la Planification et de la concertation, Bureau interculturel de Montréal, 1990.
Calliste, Agnes. “Sleeping Car Porters in Canada: An Ethnically Submerged Split Labour Market.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 19, no. 1 (1987): 1–20.
Wolff, Peter. “Haitians and Anglophone West Indians in the Ethnic and Socio-Economic Structure of Montreal.” In Ethnicity in Canada: International Examples and Perspectives, edited by Alfred Pletsch, 286–301. Marburg/Lahn, Germany: Im Selbstverlag Des Geographischen Instituts Der Universität Marburg, 1985.
Locher, Uli. “Disadvantages of West Indians in Montreal.” In White Collar Migrants in the Americas and the Caribbean, edited by A. F. Marks and H. M. C. Vessuri, 99–118. Leiden, Netherlands: Department of Caribbean Studies, Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology, 1983.
Jonas, Holly C. “Little Burgundy Dropouts from the High School of Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1971.
Bled, Yves. “La condition des domestiques antillaises à Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1965.
Innis, Harold A., ed. Select Documents in Canadian Economic History, 1497-1783. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1929.