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Williams, Dorothy W. “The Jackie Robinson Myth: Social Mobility and Race in Montreal, 1920-1960.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1999.
Péan, Stanley. Toute la ville en Jazz. Montréal: Éditions Trait d’union, 1999.
Longtin, Sandra. “Motivations for Gun Carrying Among Juvenile Offenders in Quebec: A Focus on the Dimensions of Race and Language.” PhD dissertation, State University of New York at Albany, 1999.
Jean, Stéphane. Le Fonds Oscar-Peterson. Répertoire numérique. Ottawa, ON: Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.
Insaf, Zeenat S. “A Neighborhood That Empowers Women : In Search of Housing Sustainability.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1999.
Hall, Margaret-Ann. “English Caribbean Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1999.
Morel, Renée. Crisis At Sir George. Documentary. Connections Production, 1998.
Lam, Meilan. Show Girls. National Film Board of Canada, 1998.
Carew, Jan. “Malcolm X’s Mother in Montreal: A Pioneering Educator.” In Re/Visioning: Canadian Perspectives on the Education of Africans in the Late Twentieth Century, edited by Vincent D’Oyley and Carl James, 18–24. North York, ON: Captus Press, 1998.
Ulysse, Pierre Joseph, and Christopher McAll. “Minorités, majorités et les territoires du quotidien.” In Le quartier Côte-des-Neiges à Montréal: Les interfaces de la pluriethnicité, edited by Deirdre Meintel, Victor Piché, Danielle Juteau, and Sylvie Fortin, 191–209. Paris, France: L’Harmattan, 1997.
Juteau, Danielle, and Sylvie Paré. “L’entrepteneurship à Côte-des-Neiges: le périmètre Victoria/Van Horne.” In Le quartier Côte-des-Neiges à Montréal : les interfaces de la pluriethnicité, edited by Deirdre Meintel, Victor Piché, Danielle Juteau, and Sylvie Fortin, 129–160. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1997.
Ruggles, Clifton, and Olivia Rovinescu. Outsider Blues : A Voice from the Shadows. Halifax, NS: Fernwood Publishing, 1996.
Hadlaw, Janin. “Locating Crisis: Representations of Race and Space in the English Media, Montreal, 1987-1992.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1996.
Provincial Association of Social Studies Teachers, and Quebec Board of Black Educators. Some Missing Pages : The Black Community in the History of Québec and Canada: Primary and Secondary Sources. Montréal: Ministère de l’éducation, Services à la communauté anglophone, Direction des politiques et des projets, 1995.
Étienne, Gérard. La question raciale et raciste dans le roman québécois : essai d’anthroposémiologie. Montréal: Editions Balzac, 1995.
Belgrave, Valerie. “The Sir George Williams Affair.” In The Black Power Revolution, 1970: A Retrospective, edited by Selwyn Ryan and Taimoon Stewart, 119–131. St. Augustine, Trinidad: I.S.E.R., University of the West Indies, 1995.
Stamadianos, Peter. “Afro-Canadian Activism in the 1960s.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1994.
Richardson, George. “Education Innovations: The Montreal Experience.” In Innovations in Black Education in Canada, edited by Vincent D’Oyley, 64–71. Toronto, ON: Umbrella Press, 1994.
Québec. Ministère de la sécurité publique. An Opportunity for Progress: Report of the Task Force of the Minister of Public Security of Quebec on Relations Between the Black Communities and the Montreal Urban Community Police Department. Québec: Minister of Public Security of Quebec, 1992.
Ledoyen, Alberte. Montréal au pluriel : huit communautés ethno-culturelles de la région montréalaise. Sainte-Foy, QC: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1992.
Bayne, Clarence S. Problems Facing the Black Community of Montreal, Submitted to Le Comité de La Commission de La Culture, Hotel [Sic] Du Parliament [Sic]. Montreal: [s.n.], 1991.
Fiore, Anna-Maria, and Karin Michnick. Compte rendu de la rencontre d’information entre la ville de Montréal et la Communauté noire anglophone. Montréal: Ville de Montréal, Service de la Planification et de la concertation, Bureau interculturel de Montréal, 1990.
Breon, Robin. “The Growth and Development of Black Theatre in Canada: A Starting Point.” Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada Vol. 9, no. 2 (1988): 216–228.
Calliste, Agnes. “Sleeping Car Porters in Canada: An Ethnically Submerged Split Labour Market.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 19, no. 1 (1987): 1–20.
Balakrishnan, T. R., and John Krault. “Segregation of Visible Minorities in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.” In Ethnic Canada: Identities and Inequalities, edited by Leo Driedger, 138–157. Toronto: Copp Clark, 1987.
Eisemon, Thomas Owen. “Research Report: Caribbean Students in Montreal Schools.” McGill Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill Vol. 21, no. 2 (1986): 163–168.
Brathwaite, Gilbert. “An Analysis of the Organizational Practices and Educational Effects on the Quebec Board of Black Educators.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1986.
Bernard, Guy. “Les infirmières immigrantes antillaises au Québec, entre 1969 et 1982.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1986.
Elliott, Lorris, ed. The Bibliography of Literary Writings by Blacks in Canada. Toronto, ON: Williams-Wallace Publishers, 1986.
Elliott, Lorris, ed. Other Voices: Writings by Blacks in Canada. Toronto, ON: Williams-Wallace Publishers, 1985.
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