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11 resources
Hurley, Erin. “Le théâtre de langue anglaise au Québec : de la majorité à la minorité.” Revue d’historiographie du théâtre Vol. 6, no. 1 (Mai 2021).
Reid, Gregory J. “Mapping Jouissance: Insights from a Case Study in the Schizophrenia of Canadian Drama.” Comparative Drama Vol. 35, no. 3–4 (2021): 291–318.
King, Jason. “Staging Famine Irish Memories of Migration and National Performance in Ireland and Québec.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture Vol. 18, no. 4 (2016): 8 pages.
Vineberg, Robert. “The British Garrison and Montreal Society, 1830-1850.” Canadian Military History Vol. 21, no. 1 (Autumn 2012): 3–16.
Moss, Jane. “’Je me souviens’ : Staging Memory in Anglo-Québécois Theatre.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 46, no. 3 (Fall 2012): 28–59.
Sprung, Guy. “Les Anglos enchaînés.” Jeu: Revue de théâtre Vol. 122, no. 1 (2007): 118–124.
Bayne, Clarence S. “Le Black Theatre Workshop de Montreal: Un Nouveau Bilan.” L’Annuaire théâtral: Revue québécoise d’études théâtrales Vol. 29 (Printemps 2001): 141–155.
Breon, Robin. “The Growth and Development of Black Theatre in Canada: A Starting Point.” Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada Vol. 9, no. 2 (1988): 216–228.
Vaïs, Michel. “Théâtre anglophone.” Jeu Vol. 38 (1986): 131–187.
Bains, Yashdip Singh. “Frederick Brown and Montreal’s Doomed Theatre Royal, 1825-26.” Theatre Survey Vol. 24 (November 1983): 65–75.
Marmier, Jean. “Les personnage anglophones dans le théâtre québécois.” Études canadiennes/Canadian Studies No. 4 (1978): 27–40.