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Thompson, Gary. “Island of the Sorrows: A Quebec Beauty Spot Where Thousands Perished.” The Beaver Vol. 71, no. 1 (March 1991): 35–38.
Toker, Franklin. The Church of Notre-Dame in Montreal: An Architectural History. 2nd ed. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1991.
Thornton, Patricia A., and Sherry Olson. “Family Contexts of Fertility and Infant Survival in Nineteenth-Century Montreal.” Journal of Family History Vol. 16, no. 4 (1991): 401–417.
Tétreault, Martin. L’état de santé des Montréalais, 1880-1914. Montréal: Regroupement des chercheurs et chercheures en histoire des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec, 1991.
Senior, Hereward. The Last Invasion of Canada: The Fenian Raids, 1866-1870. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press in collaboration with Canadian War Museum, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1991.
Schmitz, Nancy. Irish for a Day: Saint Patrick’s Day Celebrations in Quebec City, 1765-1990. Sainte-Foy, QC: Livre Carraig Books, 1991.
Ramirez, Bruno. “The Crossroad Province: Quebec’s Place in International Migrations, 1870-1915.” In A Century of European Migrations, 1830-1930, edited by Rudolph J. Vecoli and Suzanne M. Sinke, 243–260. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1991.
Olson, Sherry. “Ethnic Strategies in the Urban Economy.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 23, no. 2 (1991): 39–64.
O’Donoghue, Jo. Brian Moore: A Critical Study. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1991.
Noppen, Luc. “Église St. Patrick.” In Les Chemins de La Mémoire – Monuments et Sites Historique de Québec., edited by Jean Lavoie, 72–74. Québec: La commission des Biens Culturels, 1991.
McFaul, Catherine Dwyer. Come My Beloved: The Ryan Family of Plantaganet [Sic] , Ontario, and Quinnville, Quebec. Buckingham, QC: C.D. McFaul, 1991.
Keegan, Gerald. Famine Diary: Journey to a New World. Edited by James J. Mangan. Dublin, Ireland: Wolfhound, 1991.
Dunn, Joseph. Radharc Documentary. Livre Carraig Books, 1991.
Bergeron, Yves, and Élaine Bouchard. Catalogue raisonné des objets historiques de la collection Grosse-Île. 2 vols. Québec: Environnement Canada,Service des parcs,Région du Québec,Gestion des collections, 1991.
Bergeron, Yves. Grosse-Île : lieu de passage. Québec: Service canadien des parcs, Gestion des collections, 1991.
Benoît, Michèle, and Roger Gratton. Pignon sur rue : Les quartiers de Montréal. Montréal et Québec: Guérin et Ville de Montréal et Ministère des Affaires culturelles, 1991.
Bélanger, Jules. “L’histoire de la Gaspésie : conférence inaugural.” Gaspésie Vol. 29, no. 3–4 (1991): 6–12.
Atkinson, Edward. “Canada’s Irish Regiments.” Archivist Vol. 18, no. 2 (1991): 21–24.
Thomson, George. “Grosse Ile: The Isle of Sorrows Recalls the Plague Years.” Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l’Association médicale canadienne Vol. 143, no. 1 (July 1, 1990): 56–59.
Willis, John. “Le Québec, l’Irlande et les migrations de la grande famine : origine, contexte et dénouement.” In La grande mouvance, edited by Marcel Bellavance, 115–145. Sillery, QC: Septentrion, 1990.
Saint-Laurent, Marie-France. “Le Pique-nique des Orangistes de Megantic : temps de socialisation et d’affirmation.” Culture & Tradition: The Canadian Graduate Student Journal of Folklore and Ethnology Vol. 14 (1990): 33–49.
Pinto, Barbara S. “Ain’t Misbehavin’: The Montreal Shamrock Lacrosse Club Fans, 1868 to 1884.” Master’s Thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1990.
MacKay, Donald. Flight From Famine: The Coming of the Irish to Canada. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1990.
Lapointe, Pierre-Louis. Buckingham, 1824-1990: In the Heart of the Lower Lièvre District, the City of Buckingham From Its Earliest Beginnings. Translated by Carole Dolan, Pierre-Louis Lapointe, and Michel Martin. Buckingham, QC: City of Buckingham, 1990.
Houston, Cecil J., and William J. Smyth. Irish Emigration and Canadian Settlement: Patterns, Links and Letters. Toronto/Belfast, Ireland: University of Toronto Press/Ulster Historical Foundation, 1990.
Harvey, Fernand. “Montréal et l’immigration au XIXe siècle.” In Montréal au XIXe siècle: des gens, des idées, des arts, une ville, edited by Rémi Brault, 35–43. Montréal: Leméac, 1990.
Brisson, Estelle. “Les rapports entre catholiques et protestants au Bas-Canada au milieu du XIXe siècle : le cas du lac Maskinongé (Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon).” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1990.
Allison, Sam, and James Wilson. The Father Dowd Home: One Hundred and Twenty-Five Years of Service to the Community. Montreal: James Wilson and Sam Allison, 1990.
Toner, P. M. “The Home Rule League in Canada: Fortune, Fenians, and Failure.” The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies Vol. 15, no. 1 (July 1989): 7–19.
Bischoff, Peter. “Des Forges du Saint-Maurice aux Fonderies de Montréal : mobilité géographique, solidarité communautaire et action syndicale de mouleurs, 1829-1881.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 43, no. 1 (t 1989): 3–29.
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