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Heller, Monica S. Le processus de francisation dans une entreprise montréalaise : une analyse sociolinguistique. Montréal: Office de la langue française, Service des publications, 1982.
Heller, Monica S. “The Politics of Codeswitching and Language Choice.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Vol. 13, no. 1–2 (1992): 123–142.
Heller, Monica S. “‘Bonjour, Hello?’: Negotiations of Language Choice in Montreal.” In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 588–597. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society, 1978.
Heller, Monica S. “Brewing Trouble : Language, the State, and Modernity in Industrial Beer Production (Montreal, 1978-1980).” In Paths to Post-Nationalism : A Critical Ethnography of Language and Identity, 74–93. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Heller, Monica S. “Language, Ethnicity and Politics in Quebec.” PhD dissertation, University of California (Berkeley), 1982.
Heller, Monica S. “Aspects sociolinguistiques de la francisation d’une entreprise privée.” Sociologie et Sociétés Vol. 21, no. 2 (October 1989): 115–128.
Heller, Monica S. “Negotiations of Language Choice in Montreal.” In Language of Social Identity, edited by John J. Gumperz, 108–118. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
Heller, Monica S. “Ethnic Relations and Language Use in Montreal.” In Language of Inequality, edited by Nessa Wolfson and Joan Manes, 75–90. Berlin, Germany & New York, NY: Mouton Publishers, 1985.