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14 resources
Mair, Nathan H. Ammi Parker’s Memorial of the Pioneers of the Eastern Townships. Montreal: Archives Committee of the Montreal and Ottawa Conference of the United Church of Canada, 1985.
Mair, Nathan H. John Dougall (1805-1886) And His Montreal Witness. Montreal: The Archives Committee of the Montreal and Ottawa Conference of the United Church of Canada, 1985.
Mair, Nathan H. “Methodist Controversies in the Montreal Press, 1808-1819.” Canadian Methodist Historical Society Vol. 8 (and 1990 1988): 48–63.
Mair, Nathan H. St. James, Cathedral or Monument? Montreal: St. James United Church, 1984.
Mair, Nathan H. The Congregational Heritage in the United Church of Canada: A Quebec Perspective. Lennoxville, QC: Archives Committee of the Montreal and Ottawa Conference of the United Church of Canada, 1991.
Mair, Nathan H. “The Quebec Protestant Churches and the Question of Nationalism.” Social Compass Vol. 31, no. 4 (December 1984): 379–390.
Mair, Nathan H. Heresy on Sherbrooke Street: The Case of James Roy, Montreal, 1877. Dartmouth, N.S.: N.H. Mair for the Archives Committee of the Montreal & Ottawa Conference of the United Church of Canada, 1991.
Mair, Nathan H. The People of St. James, Montreal, 1803-1984. Montreal: St. James United Church, 1984.
Mair, Nathan H. The Story of Montreal City Mission. Montreal: [s.n.], 1985.
Mair, Nathan H. Quest for Quality in the Protestant Public Schools of Quebec. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec. Conseil supérieur de l’éducation. Comité protestant, 1980.
Mair, Nathan H. Women Teachers for Lower Canada’s Country Schools: A Protestant Missionary Enterprise in 1836-1838. Montreal: Archives Committee of the Montreal and Ottawa Conference of the United Church of Canada, 1985.
Mair, Nathan H. Protestant Education in Quebec: Notes on the History of Education in the Protestant Public Schools of Quebec. Sainte-Foy, QC: Conseil supérieur de l’éducation. Comité protestant, 1981.
Mair, Nathan H. Jacob De Witt Goes to New York and The Obituary of a Christian Business Man. Montreal: Archives Committee of the Montreal and Ottawa Conference of the United Church of Canada, 1986.
Mair, Nathan H. The United Theological College, 1927-1977. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1977.