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Mair, Nathan H. The People of St. James, Montreal, 1803-1984. Montreal: St. James United Church, 1984.
MacLennan, Anne Frances. “Charity and Change: The Montreal Council of Social Agencies’ Attempts to Deal with the Depression.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1984.
Bathalon, Réal, Heather Clarke, and Nicole Jetté. Directory of Social Service Organizations Working with Ethnocultural Communities in Quebec, 1984 / Répertoire Des Organismes Sociaux Oeuvrant Auprès Des Communautés Ethnoculturelles Au Québec, 1984. Montreal: Monchanin Cross-Cultural Center, 1984.
Tulchinsky, Gerald. “Immigration and Charity in the Montreal Jewish Community Before 1890.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 16, no. 32 (November 1983): 359–380.
Entin, Martin A. “Med-Chi Is 140 Years Old: A Historical Sketch of the Montreal Medical Chirurgical Society.” Canadian Journal of Surgery/Journal canadien de chirurgie Vol. 26, no. 6 (November 1983): 563–565.
Bernier, Jacques. “La standardisation des études médicales et la consolidation de la profession dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 37, no. 1 (Juin 1983): 51–65.
Leblond, Sylvio. “Margaret Charlton : notice biographique.” Canadian Society for the History of Medicine Newsletter (Spring 1983): 15–16.
Bernier, Jacques. “L’intégration du corps médical québécois à la fin du XIXe siècle.” Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques Vol. 10, no. 1 (Printemps 1983): 91–114.
Whipple, Shirley, and Amphion Pelley. “The Agricultural Society for the County of Stanstead - 1845-1900.” Stanstead Historical Society Journal Vol. 10 (1983): 39–58.
Richardson, Joan Thro. “The Structure Of Organizational Instability: The Women’s Movement In Montreal, 1974-1977.” PhD dissertation, New School for Social Research, 1983.
Paz, Samuel. “Reuben Brainin in Montreal (1912-1916).” Master’s thesis, McGill University, 1983.
Moscovitch, Allan. The Welfare State in Canada: A Selected Bibliography, 1840 to 1978. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1983.
Kelebay, Yarema G. “The Intellectual Baggage of Three Waves of Ukrainian Immigrants to Montreal.” In New Soil, Old Roots : The Ukrainian Experience in Canada, edited by Jaroslav Rozumnyj, 71–84. Winnipeg, MB: Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Canada, 1983.
Jarrell, Richard A. “The Social Functions of the Scientific Society in Nineteenth Century Canada.” In Critical Issues in the History of Canadian Science, edited by Richard A. Jarrell and A. E. Roos, 31–44. Thornhill, ON and Ottawa, ON: HSTC Publications, 1983.
Gustin, E. “History of the Golden Rule Lodge No. 4, Stanstead, Quebec, 1813-69.” In The Papers of the Canadian Masonic Research Association, 1949-1976, 3:1797–1816. [S.l.]: The Heritage Lodge No. 730, A.F. & A.M., G.R.C., 1983.
Cyr, François, Michel Mill, and Claude Painchaud. “Alliance Quebec : programme, origines, trajectoires.” Conjoncture politique au Québec No. 2 (Automne 1982): 47–58.
Rosenberg, Danny, Don Morrow, and Alexander J. Young. “A Quiet Contribution : Louis Rubenstein.” Canadian Journal of History of Sport Vol. 13, no. 1 (May 1982): 1–17.
Rooke, Patricia T., and R. L. Schnell. “Childhood and Charity in Nineteenth Century British North America.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 15, no. 29 (May 1982): 157–179.
Switzer, Kennee Beth. “Baron de Hirsch, the Jewish Colonization Association and Canada, 1891-1914.” PhD dissertation, University of London (London School of Economics), 1982.
Levere, Trevor Harvey. “The British Association Goes West: Montreal 1884.” Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada / Délibérations et mémoires de la société royale du Canada Vol. 20 (1982): 489–497.
Ainley, Marianne Gosztonyi. “Lewis McIver Terrill - Promoter of Bird Study and Conservation in Quebec.” Tchébec Vol. 12 (1982): 72–85.
Lennox, John W. “New Eras: B.K. Sandwell and the Canadian Authors’ Association, 1919-1922.” English Studies in Canada Vol. 7, no. 1 (Spring 1981): 93–103.
Daley, Robert, and Paul Dufour. “Creating a ‘Northern Minerva’: John William Dawson and the Royal Society of Canada.” HSTC Bulletin Vol. 5, no. 1 (January 1981): 3–13.
Stidwill, Howard F. “The History of the Canadian Olympic Association.” Master’s Thesis, University of Ottawa, 1981.
Pedersen, Diana L. “Keeping Our Good Girls Good: The Young Women’s Christian Association of Canada, 1895-1920.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 1981.
Morrow, Don. “The Powerhouse of Canadian Sport: The Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, Inception to 1909.” Journal of Sport History Vol. 8, no. 3 (1981): 20–39.
Morrow, Don. A Sporting Evolution: The Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, 1881-1981. Montreal: M.A.A.A. and Don Morrow, 1981.
Caron, Blossom. History of the Montreal Camera Club, 1893-1981. Westmount, QC: Montreal Camera Club, 1981.
Braithwaite, John A. “Teacher Union : Myth or Reality?” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1981.
Barber, Howard W. “Academic Policy-Making in an Anglophone CEGEP: The Role of the Academic Council.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1981.
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