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Jungor Ut Implear, 1881-1981. Montreal: The M.A.A.A. Centennial Committee, 1981.
Lacroix, Laurier. “Montréal et les origines de la Canadian Academy of Arts.” Vie des arts Vol. 24, no. 98 (Printemps 1980): 20–24.
Kelebay, Yarema G. “Three Fragments of the Ukrainian Community in Montreal, 1899-1970: A Hartzian Approach.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques canadiennes Vol. 12, no. 2 (1980): 74–87.
Houston, Cecil J., and William J. Smyth. The Sash Canada Wore: A Historical Geography of the Orange Order in Canada. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1980.
Forman, Debra. “The Montreal Section of the National Council of Jewish Women: The Paradox of Being a Mother.” Master’s research paper, Concordia University, 1980.
Collard, Edgar Andrew. Montefiore Club of Montreal Hundredth Anniversary 1880-1980. Montreal: [Montefiore Club of Montreal], 1980.
Collard, Edgar Andrew. First in North America: One Hundred Years in the Life of the Ordre Des Comptables Agréés Du Québec. Montreal: Ordre des comptables agréés du Québec, 1980.
Boileau, Roger. “Révolution tranquille, relations ethniques et pratiques sportives.” In La transformation du pouvoir au Québec : Actes du Colloque de l’ACSALF 1979, edited by Nadia Assimopoulos, Jacques T. Godbout, Pierre Hamel, and Gilles Houle, 259–286. Montréal: Les Éditions coopératives Albert Saint-Martin, 1980.
Bertley, Leo W. “The Universal Negro Improvement Association of Montreal, 1917-1979.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 1980.
Bernatchez, Ginette. “La Société littéraire et historique de Québec/The Literary and Historical Society of Quebec : 1824-1890.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 1980.
Wright, W. Alan. “Cooperation and Conflict : Relations Among the Teachers’ Association in Quebec, 1959-1969.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1979.
Reid, Dennis. “Our Own Country Canada”: Being an Account of the National Aspirations of the Principal Landscape Artists in Montreal and Toronto, 1860-1890. Ottawa, ON: The National Gallery of Canada for the Corporation of the National Museums of Canada, 1979.
Morrow, Don. “The Establishment of an Institution: The Montreal Amateur Athletic Association 1881-1906.” In Proceedings: Fourth Canadian Symposium on the History of Sport and Physical Education, edited by Barbara Schrodt. Vancouver, BC: Produced and Distributed by the School of Physical Education and Recreation, University of British Columbia, 1979.
Heydenkorn, Benedykt. Organizational Structure of the Polish-Canadian Community: The Federation of Polish Societies in Canada / Struktura Organizacyjna Polonii Kanadyjskiej: Zjednoczenie Zrzesze´n Polskich w Kanadzie. Toronto, ON: Canadian Polish Research Institute, 1979.
Bacchi, Carol Lee. “Race Regeneration and Social Purity. A Study of the Social Attitudes of Canada’s English-Speaking Suffragists.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 11, no. 22 (November 1978): 460–474.
Gauvin, Michel. “The Reformer and the Machine: Montreal Civic Politics from Raymond Préfontaine to Médéric Martin.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 13, no. 2 (Summer 1978): 16–26.
Metcalfe, Alan. “The Evolution of Organized Physical Recreation in Montreal, 1840-1895.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 11, no. 21 (May 1978): 144–166.
Wassef, Nadia Hanna. “The Egyptians in Montreal: A New Colour in the Canadian Ethnic Mosaic.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1978.
Pautasso, Luigi. “I ottobre 1935: nasce in Montreal l’Agenzia segreta del fascio.” Quaderni Canadesi No. 4-5 (Maggio-Agosto 1978): 7–11.
Lipton, Charles. The Trade Union Movement of Canada, 1827-1959. 4th ed. Toronto: NC Press, 1978.
Harvey, Janice. “Upper Class Reaction to Poverty in Mid-Nineteenth Century Montreal: A Protestant Example.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1978.
Goelman, Sharon Rose. “William Raphael R.C.A. 1833-1914.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1978.
Burgess, Joanne. “L’industrie de la chaussure à Montréal, 1840-1870 : le passage de l’artisanat à la fabrique.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 31, no. 2 (September 1977): 187–210.
Kennedy, Frederick James. “Herman Melville’s Lecture in Montreal.” The New England Quarterly Vol. 50, no. 1 (March 1977): 125–137.
Lund, Rolf T. “Skiing in Canada: The Early Years.” The Beaver Outfit 308, no. 3 (Winter 1977): 48–53.
Stammers, M. K. “The Montreal Ocean Steamship Company’s Mutual Benefit Society.” Maritime History Vol. 5, no. 1 (1977): 68–73.
St. Patrick’s Society of Richmond & Vicinity. 100th Anniversary, 1877-1977: St. Patrick’s Society of Richmond & Vicinity, Richmond, Quebec. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1977.
Myrer, Joseph William. “The Canadianization of Intercollegiate Football in Ontario and Quebec from 1897 to 1921.” Master’s Thesis, University of Windsor, 1977.
Jarrell, Richard A. “The Rise and Decline of Science at Quebec, 1824-1844.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 10, no. No. 19 (1977): 77–91.
Caron, Fernand. Fred C. Würtele, photographe. Québec: Ministère des Affaires culturelles, Direction générale du patrimoine, 1977.
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