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Magid, Michael. “The Attitudes of Chinese People Towards Fluent Chinese Second Language Speakers of English.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2004.
Georgiou, Theophano. The Academic Success of Immigrant Origin Students in High School : Portrait of Young Quebecers Originating from South Asia, English Sector. Montréal: Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, 2011.
Chen, Shuhua. “The Academic Adaptation of Mainland Chinese Doctoral Students in Education at McGill University.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2007.
Bhattacharjee, Aditya. “‘Temple of My Heart’: Understanding Religious Space in Montreal’s Hindu Bangladeshi Community.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2017.
Brand, Joyce M. “Teaching in an Inner City School.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1973.
Curdt-Christiansen, Xiao Lan. “Teaching and Learning Chinese: Heritage Language Classroom Discourse in Montreal.” Language, Culture & Curriculum Vol. 19, no. 2 (2006): 189–207.
Howard, Jane. “Sui Sin Far’s American Words.” Comparative American Literature Vol. 6, no. 2 (June 2008): 144–160.
White-Parks, Annette. Sui Sin Far/Edith Maud Eaton: A Literary Biography. (The Asian American Experience). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1995.
White-Parks, Annette. “Sui Sin Far: Writer on the Chinese-Anglo Borders of North America, 1865-1914.” PhD dissertation, Washington State University, 1991.
Downie, Mary Alice, Barbara Robertson, and Elizabeth Jane Errington, eds. “Sui Sin Far (Edith Maude Eaton, 1865-1914) Chinese in Montreal.” In Early Voices : Portraits of Canada by Women Writers, 1639-1914, 103–112. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press, 2010.
Doyle, James. “Sui Sin Far and Onoto Watanna : Two Early Chinese-Canadian Authors.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 140 (Spring 1994): 50–58.
Globensky, Robert, and Jian Yang. Stratégie de promotion du français dans les communications avec la communauté chinoise et la Chine : rapport. Montréal: Office de la langue française, Bureau du président, 1989.
Jantzen, Lorna, and Fernando Mata. Statistical Portrait of English-Speaking Immigrants in Québec. Ottawa, ON: Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2012.
De Silva, Nilmini. “Sri Lankan Women’s Career Identity Evolution after Immigration to Montreal, Quebec, Canada.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2011.
Coomarasamy, Sudha. “Sri Lankan Tamil Women: Resettlement in Montreal.” Canadian Women’s Studies/Les cahiers de la femme Vol. 10, no. 1 (Spring 1989): 69–73.
Bradley, Mark. “Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus and Other Tamis in the Montréal Diaspora : ‘Same, Same but Different.’” The South Asianist Vol. 6, no. 1 (2018): 98–119.
Quirion, Dominique. “Spatialisation du sacré et cohabitation interreligieuse dans l’espace montréalais.” Études d’histoire religieuse Vol. 77 (2011): 85–100.
Balakrishnan, T. R., and Stephen Gyimah. “Spatial Residential Patterns of Selected Ethnic Groups: Significance and Policy Implications.” Canadian Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 35, no. 1 (2003): 113–134.
Pocock, Joanne. Socio-Economic Profiles of the English-Speaking Visible Minority Population by Quebec Health Region: Baseline Data Report 2011-2012, Based on Date from the 2006 Census of Canada. Quebec: Community Health and Social Services Network, 2012.
Steinbach, Marilyn. “Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting the Language Learning Experiences of South-Asian Female Immigrants.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1998.
Small, Charles Asher. Social Theory. An Historical Analysis of Canadian Socio-Cultural Policies, “Race” and the ’Other’ : A Case Study of Social and Spatial Segregation in Montreal. Utrecht, Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, 2013.
Balakrishnan, T. R., Paul Maxim, and Rozzet Jurdi. “Social Class Versus Cultural Identity as Factors in the Residential Segregation of Ethnic Groups in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver for 2001.” Canadian Studies in Population Vol. 32, no. 2 (2005): 203–227.
Chan, Kwok Bun. Smoke and Fire: The Chinese in Montreal. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1991.
Morris, Kim Chow. “‘Small Has No Inside, Big Has No Outside’: Montreal’s Chinese Diaspora Breaks Out/In Music.” MUSICultures: Canadian Society for Traditional Music/Société canadienne pour les traditions musicales Vol. 36 (2009): 49–82.
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin. “Sibling Hybridities : The Case of Edith Eaton/Sui Sin Far and Winnifred Eaton/Onoto Watanna.” Life Writing Vol. 4, no. 1 (2007): 81–99.
Matthews, Kim C. “Shifting of the Self: Towards a Deterritorialized View of Identity and Belonging: The Case of East and Central African-Asians in Canada.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2000.
Auger, Nathalie, Mark Daniel, and Spencer Moore. “Sex Ratio Patterns According to Asian Ethnicity in Québec, 1981-2004.” European Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 24, no. 1 (2009): 17–24.
Lundy, Jess D. “Serving Each Other: Sharing Economies and Affective Labour in Montreal’s Kiki Scene.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 2019.
Islam, Rashida. “Second-Generation South Asian Muslim Women in Canada and University Education: What Influences Their Decisions?” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2017.
Lam, Siu-Yuk. “School Achievement and Cultural Adjustment of the Chinese Adolescents in Montreal, Canada.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1978.
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