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Reford Gardens. Elsie Reford: 150 Objects of Passion. Grand Métis & Montreal: Jardin de Métis & Éditions Umanium, 2022.
Pocock, Joanne. Geneva’s Scrapbook: The Art of Piecing Together a Life. Hatley, QC: Shoreline Press, 2022.
Gonsalves, Allison J., and Jrene Rahm. “‘It Was Always About Relationships and It Was Awesome’: Girls Performing Gender and Identity in an Out-Of-School-Time Science Conversation Club.” In Science Identities: Theory, Method and Research, edited by Henriette Tolstrup Holmegaard and Louise Archer, 47–66. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Gauvreau, Danielle, Sherry Olson, and Patricia Thornton. “Dynamiques démographiques à Montréal, 1880-1900.” In Le fait urbain, edited by Claude Bellavance and Marc St-Hilaire. [Atlas historique du Québec]. Québec: Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises/CIEQ, 2022.
Carr, Thomas M. “J.-P. Frénais’s Sabotage of Frances Brooke’s Colonial Agenda in The History of Emily Montague: The ‘Province of Quebec’ Viewed from Paris.” Québec Studies Vol. 74, no. 1 (2022): 117–137.
Tremblay, Ève Michèle, ed. Le voyage de Mme Davenport : quatorze jours d’enfer sur le chemin du Lac-Saint-Jean, 1871. Québec: Septentrion, 2022.
Tremblay Lamarche, Alex. “Les difficiles hivers de 1759 à 1760 et de 1760 à 1761 : sources de rapprochements entre Britanniques et Canadiennes.” Cap-aux-Diamants, Automne 2021.
Toufexis, Jesse. “‘Smoke Rising Day and Night’: Exploring Chava Rosenfarb’s Implicit Mysticism in ‘Edgia’s Revenge.’” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 32 (Fall 2021): 37–52.
McGuire, Susan. “The Nuttings of Waterloo : One Family Changes the World.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2021.
Stock, Sandra. “The Fulford Residence: A Dilemma for Both Elder Care and Heritage.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2021.
Kirkland, Elizabeth. “Citizens of the City: Women and Montréal’s Municipal Election of 1910.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 54, no. 110 (May 2021): 43–67.
Toufexis, Jesse. “‘Westmount’s Sinai’: Projecting a Jewish Landscape onto Montreal through Fiction.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 31 (Spring 2021): 148–158.
Talbot, Robert, François Dumaine, Nicholas Borodenko, Jeannette Yameogo, Stéphanie Jolette, and Véronique Boudreau. Linguistic (In)Security at Work : Exploratory Survey on Official Languages among Federal Government Employees in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, 2021.
Pépin, Karine. “‘Les Canadiennes se sont éprises des Anglais’? Les alliances mixtes chez la noblesse canadienne après la Conquête (1760-1800).” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 74, no. 3 (Hiver 2021): 31–53.
Darch, Heather. “The Scandal Makers : The Cogniacers, Part 2.” Documentary. Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network. Last modified January 2021.
Vigliano, Chiara. “Una gatta da pelare: Vies publiques et vies privées des Italiennes récemment arrivées à Montréal.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2021.
Smith, Michaela Anne. “Occurrence, Determinants and Dynamics of HPV Coinfections in a Cohort of Montreal University Students.” Master’s Thesis, Queen`s University, 2021.
Piraro, Sergio. “Dal Mediterraneo all’Atlantico: ricordi di migrazione nella Montréal del secondo dopoguerra.” Italian Canadiana, no. No. 35 (2021): 117–128.
Martin, Gabriel. “Sur Les Traces d’Anna Canfield, Aux Interstices Des Archives.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 49 (2021): 85–104.
MacDonald, Sara Z. University Women : A History of Women and Higher Education in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021.
Leith, Linda. The Girl from Dream City: A Literary Life. Regina, SK: University of Regina Press, 2021.
LeBlanc, Victoria. Clay Roots : The Potters’ Club and Its Legacy at the Visual Arts Centre. Westmount, QC: Visual Arts Centre, 2021.
Jobb, Dean. The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream: The Hunt for a Victorian Era Serial Killer. Toronto, ON: Harper Avenue, An imprint of Harper Collins Publishers, 2021.
Fournier, Marcel. Les premières familles anglo-canadiennes issues des mariages mixtes au Québec, 1760-1780. Montréal: Archiv-Histo, 2021.
Duchesne, Jonathan. “Les Irlandais catholiques de Montréal : Genèse d’une communauté, 1800-1834.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2021.
Chavez, Brigitte. “The Overqualification of French and English-Speaking University Graduates Working in the Montréal Census Metropolitan Area, 2016.” Infographic. Statistics Canada. Last modified 2021.
Angers, Séverine. “Marrying a Redcoat: Women’s Experiences of Marriage in the British Garrison of Quebec City, 1763-1820.” Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University, 2021.
Amodeo, Sarah. “Using Autoethnographic Practices to Study the Situation of Female Immigrant Students in English, Academic Adult Education in Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2021.
Leuck, Angela, ed. Emergence : Contemporary Women Poets of the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Georgeville, QC: Studio Georgeville, 2021.
Dansereau, François. “The Portrayal of Gender in Health Care: An Examination of Hospital Photographic Archives.” Archivaria: The Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists Vol. 90 (Fall 2020): 6–43.
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