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Catholic Times. “The English-Speaking Catholic People of Montreal.” In L’Église de Montréal, 1836-1986: Aperçus d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, edited by Rolland Litalien, 318–339. Montréal: Fides, 1986.
Jarrell, Richard A. “The Influence of Irish Institutions Upon the Organization and Diffusion of Science in Victorian Canada.” Scientia Canadensis: Canadian Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine / Scientia Canadensis: revue canadienne d’histoire des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine Vol. 9, no. 2 (29) (December 1985): 150–164.
Rainville, Alain. “The Grosse Ile Quarantine Station: 1832 to 1937.” The Archivist Vol. 12, no. 5 (October 1985): 8.
Wright, Harold, and Michelle Hibler. “Canada’s Quarantine Islands.” Canadian Heritage Vol. 2, no. 3 (August 1985): 22–26.
Lemoine, Réjean. “Grosse-Île : cimetière des immigrants au XIXe siècle.” Cap-aux-Diamants Vol. 1, no. 2 (t 1985): 9–12.
Beauregard, Yves, and Réjean Lemoine. “Marianna O’Gallagher: historienne de Grosse-Île.” Cap-aux-Diamants Vol. 1, no. 2 (te 1985): 13–15.
Bourguignon, Claude. “Les superstitions chez les Irlandais à Saint-Colomban.” Cahiers d’histoire de la Rivière du Nord Vol. 3, no. 2 (Mai 1985): 13–16.
Vigneault, Michel. “The Cultural Diffusion of Hockey in Montreal, 1890-1910.” Master’s Thesis, University of Windsor, 1985.
Thach, Quoc Thuy. Classe Sociale et Mobilité Résidentielle : Les Cas Des Irlandais à Montréal de 1851 à 1871 / Social Class and Residential Mobility : The Case of the Irish in Montreal 1851 to 1871. Shared Spaces/Partage de l’espace No. 1. Montreal: Department of Geography, McGill University, 1985.
Tessier, Yves. An Historical Guide to Québec. Translated by Frank Hogg. Québec: Société historique de Québec, 1985.
Moir, John S. “A Shared Vision? The Catholic Register and Canadian Identity before World War I.” Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens Vol. 7 (1985): 356–366.
Miller, Kerby A. Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1985.
Lapointe-Roy, Huguette. “Histoire sociale de Montréal, 1831-1871 : l’assistance aux pauvres.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 1985.
Hanson, Nora M. “The Fitzpatrick Family of North Wakefield.” Up the Gatineau Vol. 11 (1985): 16–21.
Finnegan, Mary. “Irish-French Relations in Lower Canada.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Historical Studies (1985): 35–49.
Burns, Robin B. “The Montreal Irish and the Great War.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association Historical Studies Vol. 52 (1985): 67–81.
Trent, Bill. “Grosse Ile: Island of the Dead.” Canadian Medical Association Vol. 131, no. 8 (October 15, 1984): 960–968.
O’Flynn, Philomena. “Old Problems in a New Environment: The Reactions of Irish Catholic Editors to Orangeism in Canada.” Bulletin of Canadian Studies Vol. 8, no. 2 (Autumn 1984): 206–215.
Benazon, Michael. “From Griffintown to Verdun: A Study of Place in the Work of David Fennario.” Matrix No. 19 (Fall 1984): 25–34.
McDougall, David J. “A Outline of the Patterns of Non-French Speaking Settlement in Quebec in the 18th and 19th Centuries.” Connections Vol. 7, no. 1–2 (December 1984): 4-11-4–10.
Lemoine, Réjean. “Les brochures publiées au XIXe siècle afin de lutter contre la choléra. Essai bibliographique.” Les Cahiers du livre ancien du Canada français Vol. 1, no. 2 (t 1984): 35–41.
Kirwin, Bill. “The Radical Youth of a Conservative: D’Arcy McGee in Young Ireland.” The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies Vol. 10, no. 1 (June 1984): 51–62.
Bradbury, Bettina. “Women and Wage Labour in a Period of Transition: Montreal, 1861-1881.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 17, no. 33 (May 1984): 115–131.
O’Gallagher, Marianna. “Grosse Île: un parc national?” Continuité No. 23 (Printemps 1984): 44.
Bourguignon, Claude. “La maison McCarthy de Saint-Colomban.” Cahiers d’histoire de la Rivière du Nord Vol. 2, no. 1 (Avril 1984): 1–18.
Whyte, Helen L. “The Literary Nationalism of Thomas D’Arcy McGee.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 1984.
Thach, Quoc Thuy. “The Occupational Structure and Residential Pattern of Irish-Born Heads of Households in Montreal in 1861.” Undergraduate Research Paper, McGill University, 1984.
Shanahan, David. “Irish Catholic Journalists and the New Nationality in Canada, 1858-1870.” Master’s Thesis, Lakehead University, 1984.
O’Gallagher, Marianna. Grosse Ile: Gateway to Canada 1832-1937. Quebec: Carraig Books, 1984.
O’Flynn, Philomena. “‘An Irishman, a Catholic and an Editor’: Irish Catholic Editors in Nineteenth Century Canada.” Master’s Thesis, Laurentian University, 1984.
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