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McSweeney, Kerry. “Revaluing Mordecai Richler.” Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en littérature canadienne Vol. 4, no. 2 (1979): 120–131.
McCuaig, Katherine Ena. “The Campaign Against Tuberculosis in Canada, 1900-1950.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1979.
Mauger, Dan. Médecin Des Neiges/Doctor of the Snow. Sept-Îles, QC: Éditions Le Musée des Sept-Îles, 1979.
Markell, H. Keith. The Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, 1948-1978. Montreal: Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, 1979.
Marchant, Helen M. “Bureaucratic-Professional Conflict as a Consequence of Social Welfare Legislation: An Organizational Analysis.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1979.
MacLeod, Kenneth O. The First Century: The Story of a Canadian Company: Henry Birks & Sons 1879-1979. Montreal: Henry Birks & Sons, 1979.
Laliberté, Yvon, Hélène Laliberté, and Clarence X. Dodd. St. Mungo’s United Church Cemetery: Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Province of Quebec. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontarion Genealogical Socirty, 1979.
Krause, Peter J.H. “The Adaptation of the Quebec Protestant School System to Centralized Collective Bargaining : A Case Study.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1979.
Kohlhof, Karen Julia. “Utilization of Family Medical Centers in Four Montreal Hospitals: A Diffusion Study.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1979.
Heydenkorn, Benedykt. Organizational Structure of the Polish-Canadian Community: The Federation of Polish Societies in Canada / Struktura Organizacyjna Polonii Kanadyjskiej: Zjednoczenie Zrzesze´n Polskich w Kanadzie. Toronto, ON: Canadian Polish Research Institute, 1979.
Heilbron, J. L. “Physics at McGill in Rutherford’s Time.” In Rutherford and Physics at the Turn of the Century, edited by Mario Bunge and William R. Shea, 42–73. New York, NY: Science History Publications, 1979.
Hayes, Victor A. “Social and Educational Adjustment of West Indian Students in a Montreal High School.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1979.
Hathorn, Ramon. “Angels on Saxons: A Study of the Anglo-Saxon in Quebec Fiction.” Journal of Canadian Fiction Nos. 25/26 (1979): 264–279.
Harney, Robert F. “Montreal’s King of Italian Labour : A Case Study of Padronism.” Labour / Le Travail Vol. 4 (1979): 57–84.
Greenhill, Ralph, and Andrew Birrell. Canadian Photography, 1839-1920. Toronto, ON: Coach House Press, 1979.
Godbout, Jacques. Double Vision. Documentary. National Film Board of Canada, 1979.
Ginsberg, Sharron. “The Development of a Student Volunteer Program: A Descriptive Study of the Development and Operation of a Student Volunteer Program in Dalse Centre of Douglas Hospital.” School of Social Work, McGill University, 1979.
Frost, Stanley B. The History of McGill in Relation to the Social, Economic and Cultural Aspects of Montreal and Quebec. Montreal: McGill University, 1979.
Ferns, John. A.J.M. Smith. Boston, MA: Twayne Publishers, 1979.
Dufour, Paul. “Les ‘Eggheads’ et l’espionnage : les réactions des scientifiques américains, canadiens, et britanniques à l’affaire Gouzenko en 1946.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1979.
Darling, Michael. “Mordecai Richler: An Annotated Bibliography.” In The Annotated Bibliography of Canada’s Major Authors, edited by Jack David and Robert Lecker, 1:155–211. Downsview, ON: ECW Press, 1979.
Darling, Michael. “A Variorum Edition of the Poems of A.J.M. Smith with a Descriptive Bibliography and Reference Guide.” PhD dissertation, York University, 1979.
Crawford, Venetia. Treasures of the Pontiac in Song and Story / Les Trésors Du Pontiac Nos Chansons et Nos Histoires. Shawville, QC: Dickson Enterprises, 1979.
Cooke, O. A. The Canadian Military Experience, 1867-1967 : A Bibliography/ Bibliographie de la vie militaire au Canada, 1867-1967. Ottawa, ON: Minister of National Defence, 1979.
Chartrand, Luc, and Claude Marcil. “L’école juive à l’heure du Québec.” Education Québec Vol. 10 (1979): 18–23.
Cameron, Elspeth. “Hugh MacLennan: An Annotated Bibliography.” In The Annotated Bibliography of Canada’s Major Authors, edited by Robert Lecker and Jack David, 103–152. Downsview, ON: ECW Press, 1979.
Bourbonnais, Jean-Pierre. “L’évolution de la demande de cadres bilingues dans l’entreprise privée anglophone au Québec de 1974 à 1978.” Gestion Vol. 4, no. 1 (1979): 60–67.
Boulet, Jac-André. “Origin of Linguistic Disparities in Earnings Between Francophone and Anglophone Male Workers in the Montreal Metropolitan Zone in 1971.” 25p. Winnipeg, MB: Economic Council of Canada, 1979.
Boulet, Jac-André. L’évolution des disparités linguistiques de revenus de travail dans la zone métropolitaine de Montréal de 1961 à 1977. Ottawa: Conseil economique du Canada/Economic Council of Canada, 1979.
Blais, Gilles. Sophie Wollock’s Newspaper. Documentary. National Film Board of Canada, 1979.
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