L'intonation, en tant que facteur prosodique,intervenant dans l'intelligibilité, dans la perception du degré d'accent étranger et dans la compréhensibilité du discours en français langue seconde, chez des anglophones

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L'intonation, en tant que facteur prosodique,intervenant dans l'intelligibilité, dans la perception du degré d'accent étranger et dans la compréhensibilité du discours en français langue seconde, chez des anglophones
The author points out that the first goal for most second-language (L2) learners is to be understood by native speakers of the language in different contexts. Even if a foreign accent can sometimes obstruct this goal, research has shown that it does not always hinder communication. The author's goal was to study the role of intonation in speech in Quebec French by native speakers of North American English. For the author's study, involving three native-speakers of North American English speaking L2 French, she studied how the intonation affects the perception by native speakers of Quebec French on the level of intelligibility, degree foreign accent and comprehensibility. She used fifteen judges of Quebec French L1 to listen and evaluate sentences read and recorded by three female Anglophone speakers. The recordings of the evaluation were conducted in two sessions. Following the feedback of the first session, the readers having obtained the worst evaluation scores in the three above mentioned criteria were selected for the second session. The selected sentences were synthetically modified to make as closely as possible their intonation contours to the contours of a native speaker of Quebec French. Six weeks later, our judges reassessed the modified sentences in the same three evaluation criteria. The author's hypothesis was that the scores of intelligibility and comprehensibility would show signs of improvement while the foreign accent scores would remain similar. The results showed that intelligibility scores improved, the foreign accent remained stable, while the comprehensibility suffered a slight decline.
Master's Thesis
Université du Québec à Montréal
Niven, Mary. “L’intonation, en tant que facteur prosodique,intervenant dans l’intelligibilité, dans la perception du degré d’accent étranger et dans la compréhensibilité du discours en français langue seconde, chez des anglophones.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2006. http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/thesescanada/vol2/QMUQ/TC-QMUQ-1649.pdf.
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