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Lemyre, Étienne. “Portrait of English-Speaking Workers in Quebec’s Agriculture and Agri-Food Industries, 2006 and 2016.” Statistics Canada (Ethnicity, Language and Immigration Thematic Series). Last modified March 1, 2021.
Cameron, Christina. “The Goode House: A Special Place.” The Westmount Historian, February 2021.
Talbot, Robert, François Dumaine, Nicholas Borodenko, Jeannette Yameogo, Stéphanie Jolette, and Véronique Boudreau. Linguistic (In)Security at Work : Exploratory Survey on Official Languages among Federal Government Employees in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, 2021.
Roy, Alain. From Vitality to Vitality of Memory : Conceptual Foundations of the Role of Memory and Heritage in the Vitality of Official Language Minority Communities. [Concept Paper]. Ottawa, ON: Library and Archives Canada, January 2021.
Luchak, Milla. Digital Outreach to Post-Secondary Students During Covid-19. Montreal: Y4Y Quebec, 2021.
Béland, Daniel, André Lecours, and Peggy Schmeiser. “Nationalism, Secularism, and Ethno-Cultural Diversity in Quebec.” Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 55, no. 1 (Winter 2021): 177–202.
Zschalich, Florian. “Le cadrage des débats linguistiques dans la presse anglophone et francophone au Québec : un clivage médiatique? : analyse de la couverture du projet de loi 14.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2021.
Zanazanian, Paul, and Raphaël Gani. “L’histoire des communautés québécoises d’expression anglaise telle que racontée par quarante leaders communautaires anglophone : une mémoire historique en tension.” In La Charte : La loi 101 et les Québécois d’expression anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 323–362. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
Williams, Dorothy W. “Unintended Consequences : Bill 101 and the English-Speaking Black Community.” In La Charte : La Loi 101 et Les Québécois d’expression Anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 387–395. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
Vigliano, Chiara. “Una gatta da pelare: Vies publiques et vies privées des Italiennes récemment arrivées à Montréal.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2021.
Vailles, Andréanne. “L’histoire de la mode: La Maison Simons.” Histoire Québec, 2021.
Vaillancourt, François. “Les aspects économiques des politiques linguistiques en vigueur au Québec : répercussions sur les anglophones et francophones sur le marché du travail, 1970-2015.” In La Charte : La loi 101 et les Québécois d’expression anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 205–230. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
Smith, Michaela Anne. “Occurrence, Determinants and Dynamics of HPV Coinfections in a Cohort of Montreal University Students.” Master’s Thesis, Queen`s University, 2021.
Shah, Kiran, Alicia Boatswain-Kyte, and Edward Ou Jin Lee. “Anti-Racist Education in Social Work: Exploration of Required Undergraduate Social Work Courses in Quebec.” Canadian Social Work Review / Revue canadienne de service social Vol. 38, no. 2 (2021): 141–157.
Sandilands, Marion. “If We Do It Right, It Will Hurt: The Official Languages Act, Nation-Building, and English-Speaking Quebec.” Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society No. 17 (2021): 76–90.
Rousseau, Guillaume, and Éric Poirier. “La Loi relative à l’emploi de la langue française et la Charte de la langue française : La France et le Québec entre intention républicaine et interprétation libérale, affirmation majoritaire et protection des minorités.” In La Charte : La loi 101 et les Québécois d’expression anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 145–171. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
Rodgers, Guy Rex. What We Choose to Remember. [Documentary]. ELANquebec, 2021.
Richler, Emma. “This Living Hand.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 248 (2021): 134–142.
Rao, Alexandra. Portrait of the English-Speaking Community of the Lower St. Lawrence Region (Québec, Canada): Current Understanding and Future Research Directions. Metis-sur-Mer, QC: Heritage Lower St. Lawrence, 2021.
Pocock, Joanne. “Quebec’s English-Speaking Community and the Partnership Approach of Its Networks in Health.” Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society Vol. 15-16 (2021): 264–283.
Parks, Philippa. “Should I Stay, or Should I Go? A Mixed Method Study of Pre-Service English Second Language Teacher Efficacy-Identity Development in Quebec.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2021.
Paillé, Michel. “Migrations interprovinciales au Canada : qu’en est-il des ‘deux solitudes’ de langues officielles canadiennes?” In La Charte : La loi 101 et les Québécois d’expression anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 61–84. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
One Voice. “Understanding the Experience of English-Speaking Seniors in Quebec: Accessing and Interacting with Health and Social Services and the Effect on Health Outcomes.” [Report]. Last modified 2021.
O’Donnell, Brendan. “Searching for English Quebec History : A 40-Year Odyssey.” In La Charte : La Loi 101 et Les Québécois d’expression Anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 463–474. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
Noël, Geoffroy P.J.C., Julia Heron, and Carly Naismith. “From 1883 to 2019; Variables Influencing Body Procurement at McGill University.” Anatomical Sciences Education Vol. 15 (2021).
Murphy, Carolyn, Chantale Beaucher, and Stéphanie Breton. Portrait of the Characteristics of English-Speaking Bachelor of Vocational Education Students at Université de Sherbrooke : Survey Report. Sherbrooke QC: Université de Sherbrooke, 2021.
Mouillot, François. “Industrial Isolation and Cultural Self-Exile: The Formation of an Independent Music Scene in Montreal.” In Geographically Isolated and Peripheral Music Scenes : Global Insights and Perspectives, edited by Christina Ballico, 133–156. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
McDougall, Andrew. “Bill 101 as God and Demon : The Charter of the French Language and English Canada.” In La Charte : La Loi 101 et Les Québécois d’expression Anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 127–144. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
Mather, Patrick-André. “Language Policy and Bilingualism in Quebec and Puerto Rico.” In La Charte : La Loi 101 et Les Québécois d’expression Anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 233–247. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
Martin-Laforge, Sylvia. “Towards Equal Status: English-Speaking Minority Communities in Canada and the Official Languages Act.” Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society No. 17 (2021): 69–75.
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