Full bibliography
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Darch, Heather. “A Difficult Lens : Tales of Two Soldiers.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2022.
Lacasse, Simon-Pierre. “‘A Curse or a Blessing?’: Montreal Jews and the Politics of 1960s Quebec.” Canadian Historical Review Vol. 103, no. 3 (September 2022): 359–383.
Grenier, Gilles. “Langues utilisées à la maison et au travail à Montréal par les immigrants entre 2001 et 2016 : progrès notoire, mais fragile du français.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 63, no. 3 (September 2022): 525–541.
Dean, Jason, and Vincent Geloso. “The Linguistic Wage Gap in Quebec, 1901 to 1951.” Cliometrica: Journal of Historical Economics and Econometric History Vol. 16, no. 3 (September 2022): 615–637.
Reford, Alexander. “L’Élégante aventurière: le chevauchée d’Elsie Reford en Gaspésie, 1910.” Magazine Gaspésie, November 2022.
O’Donnell, Lorraine. The Importance of the University Research Ecosystem for Quebec’s English-Speaking Official Language Minority Community. Montreal: Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network, Concordia University, 2022. https://www.concordia.ca/content/dam/artsci/scpa/quescren/docs/QUESCREN_brief_for_Action_Plan_OL.pdf.
Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN). “English-Speaking Quebec: An Integral Part of Quebec & Canadian Society.” [Brief presented in the context of the Government of Canada’s Consultations on a Renewed Action Plan for Official Languages]. Last modified July 7, 2022. https://qahn.org/news/qahn-brief-presented-contest-government-canadas-consultations-renewed-action-plan-official-lang.
Stock, Sandra. “Under the Sun: Dominion Square’s Insurance Showcase.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2022.
MacLeod, Rod. “Mrs. Martyr : Hannah Lyman’s Misfortunate Family.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2022.
Graham, Joseph. “Mille Isles.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2022.
Clendenning, David H. “Iron Wills : The Legacy of the Clendinneng Family Foundry.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2022.
Murray, Jocelyne. “Les inspecteurs d’école protestants de la circonscription de Mégantic, 1852-1904.” Empreintes: Revue de la Mauricie et du Centre-de-Québec, Juin 2022.
Boatswain-Kyte, Alicia, Shari Brotman, Tiffany Callender, and Barbara Dejean. “‘We Want Our Own Data!’: Building Black Community Accountability in the Collection of Health Data Using a Black Emancipatory Action Research Approach.” Critical and Radical Social Work Vol. 10, no. 2 (June 2022): 1–22.
Girard, Emilie. “Anne Molson et la Montreal Ladies’ Educational Association.” L’encyclopédie du MEM - Centre des mémoires montréalaises. Mémoires des Montréalais. Last modified mai 2022. https://ville.montreal.qc.ca/memoiresdesmontrealais/anne-molson-et-la-montreal-ladies-educational-association.
Boatswain-Kyte, Alicia, Syndie David, and Nicole Mitchell. “Black in the Classroom: Teaching Anti-Oppressive Practice in White Spaces.” Journal of Teaching in Social Work Vol. 44, no. 2 (May 2022): 157–174.
Lemyre, Étienne. “Language Used at Work by Graduates of English, French or Bilingual Postsecondary Institutions.” Statistics Canada (Insights on Canadian Society). Last modified April 5, 2022. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/pub/75-006-x/2022001/article/00003-eng.pdf?st=lxQ8JFtk.
Jensen, Jane. “Widows Along the Road : Orford Township in the Mid-Nineteenth Century.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2022.
Chaniac, Arnaud. “‘Il ne parle qu’un fort mauvais français’. La France et le Québec anglophone dans les années de la Révolution tranquille.” Bulletin d’histoire politique Vol 30, no. 1 (Printemps 2022): 71–90.
Bur, Justin. “St. Michael’s Legacy : In Search of Irish Mile End.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2022.
Anctil, Pierre. “Fred Rose, l’émissaire de Moscou.” Cap-aux-Diamants, Printemps 2022.
Veltman, Calvin. “L’île de Montréal : les francophones quittent; le français reste !” La situation linguistique au Québec. Last modified March 2022. https://mobilitelinguistiqueveltman.net/etudes-recentes/.
Veltman, Calvin. “Lecture sociolinguistique du recensement canadien : succès inespéré de la Loi 101.” La situation linguistique au Québec. Last modified March 2022. https://mobilitelinguistiqueveltman.net/etudes-recentes/.
Donovan, Patrick, and Lorraine O’Donnell. “The Tourist Offer of the Whiteley Museum and Its Surrounding Area on the Lower North Shore : A Quality Improvement Report.” [Report]. Concordia University - Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network. Last modified March 2022. https://www.concordia.ca/content/dam/artsci/scpa/quescren/docs/QUESCREN_LNS_Tourism_Report_Whiteley.pdf.
Donovan, Patrick. “The Best-Treated Minority in the World : Historical and Discursive Analysis of a Cliché.” [Working Paper no 5]. Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN). Last modified March 2022. https://www.concordia.ca/content/dam/artsci/scpa/quescren/docs/QUESCREN_Working_Paper_5_Donovan.pdf.
Curtis, Kathy. “The Scandal Makers : The Survivor.” [Documentary]. Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network. Last modified February 21, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrmuj6YPqHk.
Melançon, Jérôme. “A Feeling of Minoritization: English-Speaking Quebecers after Bill 96” Presented at the online Lunch & Learn organized by the Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN), Montreal, February 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EW6TnWZKdc.
Leydet, Anne. “The Scandal Makers : The Accused.” [Documentary]. Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network. Last modified January 27, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5r41cSJvJU.
Wilson, John. “Wilson’s Westernaires : Square Dancing in the Chateauguay Valley.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2022.
Williams, Dorothy W. “Montreal’s Black Porters : A Legacy to Celebrate.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2022.
Tremblay Lamarche, Alex. “L’enracinement de la communauté anglophone dans la toponymie de Québec.” Cap-aux-Diamants, Hiver 2022.
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