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Graham, Joseph. “The Cushings of Lower Canada. Part II : David McLane, Provocateur or Scapegoat?” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2019.
Giori, Pablo. “Quebecers and Québécois. Evolution and Changes in Identity and National Habitus in Quebec (1960-2016).” National Identities Vol. 21, no. 3 (July 2019): 267–285.
Graham, Joseph. “The Cushings of Lower Canada. Part 1: Elmer Cushing’s Compensation.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2019.
Allison, Sam, and Jon G. Bradley. “Fake and Foul: Quebec’s New History Textbook.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2019.
Ruest, André. “La Gaspésie au temps du choléra.” Instantanés : La vitrine des archives de BAnQ, March 27, 2019.
Teboul, Victor. “Accommodating Bedfellows: Montreal’s Jewish Community and Quebec’s Intellectual Elite.” The Tolerance Webzine. Last modified January 14, 2019.
Chambers, Geoffrey. “Should English-Speaking Quebecers Care About the Official Languages Act?” Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens (Fall/Winter 2019): 22–24.
Bourhis, Richard Y. “Official Bilingualism in Canada and the Planned Decline of the English-School System in Quebec.” Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens (Fall/Winter 2019): 25–30.
Zissis. “Jonathan Sewell, témoin du renouvellement des élites au Bas-Canada (1800-1825).” In Contraintes et adaptations dans l’espace québécois (XIX-XXI siècles) : actes des 23e et 24e colloques étudiants du CIRQ, edited by Nathalie Ricard and William Yoakim, 55–62. Québec: Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises (CIEQ), 2019.
Zhou, Han-Ru. “Ford and Irwin Toy 30 Years Later: A Conversation with Justice de Montigny.” Translated by Martin Gotthelf. Constitutional Forum constitutionnel Vol. 28, no. 3 (2019): 51–60.
Zanazanian, Paul. “Mobilizing Historical Consciousness for Concerted Social Action: English-Speaking Quebec’s Community Leaders and Their Quest for Group Vitality.” Canadian Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 51, no. 1 (2019): 111–133.
Thom, Adam, and François Deschamps. “Les Ennemis français de la race anglaise” : Les lettres d’Adam Thom au gouverneur en chef des Canadas, 1836. Translated by Marie Caron. Québec: Septentrion, 2019.
St-Onge, Audrey, Jody Robinson, and Fabian Will. Quebec’s Eastern Townships : A Brief History of Its Peoples, Politics and Economy. Sherbrooke QC: Eastern Townships Resource Centre, 2019.
Segal, Hugh. Bootstraps Need Boots : One Tory’s Lonely Fight to End Poverty in Canada. Vancouver, BC: On Point Press, a UBC Press imprint, 2019.
Scrosati, Scott. “’La Fédération Impériale, Voilà Notre Ennemie’ : Honoré Mercier and Public Opinion on Imperial Federalism as Seen Through the Montreal Press, 1885-1893.” Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University, 2019.
Robert, Martin. “La fabrique du corps médical. Dissections humaines et formation médicale dans le Québec du XIXe siècle.” PhD dissertation, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2019.
Paquet, Roseline G., and Catherine Levasseur. “When Bilingualism Isn’t Enough: Perspectives of New Speakers of French on Multilingualism in Montreal.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Vol. 40, no. 5 (2019): 375–391.
Paillé, Michel. “Succès et faiblesses de l’ intégration des immigrants par la scolarisation obligatoire en français au Québec.” Language Problems and Language Planning Vol. 43, no. 2 (2019): 135–158.
Pabst, Stavroula. “One (Wo)Man’s Shopping Is the Same (Wo)Man’s History? Immigration, Advertisement and Consumption Patterns in the Greek Community of Montreal 1960s—1970s.” Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies Vol. 86, no. 1 (2019): 63–88.
Office québécois de la langue française. Rapport sur l’évolution de la situation linguistique au Québec, Avril 2019. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Office québécois de la langue française, 2019.
Nash, Aubrey. “Social Service Accessibility in Montreal’s English-Speaking Disability Community : A Needs-Based Assessment.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2019.
Leimgruber, Jakob R.E. “Montreal’s Linguistic Landscape : Instances of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Language Planning.” In Linguistic Landscape Studies. The French Connection, edited by Mónica Castillo Lluch, Rolf Kailuweit, and Claus D. Pusch, 163–174. Freiburg, Germany: Rombach Druck- und Verlagshaus, 2019.
Leimgruber, Jakob R.E. Language Planning and Policy in Quebec : A Comparative Perspective with Views from Wales and Singapore. Tübingen, Germany: Narr Francke Attempto, 2019.
Hubert, Alex. “La couverture de la crise soudanaise dans la presse montréalaise, 1885-1904.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2019.
Hodgson, Corah Lynn Victoria. “A Window into October : Examining the Framing of the October Crisis of 1970 in Canada’s English-Language Newspapers.” Master’s Thesis, University of Waterloo, 2019.
Hesler, William. Sydney Bellingham’s Canada: People, Places, and Events in the Middle Half of the Nineteenth Century. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2019.
Hemond, Amy. “A Voice of English-Montreal : The First Twenty Years of Véhicule Press, 1973-1993.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2019.
Harvey, Louis-Georges. “La mort du soldat William Hands: violence urbaine, tensions politiques et justice criminelle à Montréal, 1835.” Les Cahiers des Dix Vol. 73 (2019): 271–302.
Gouvernement du Québec, Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise. Funding Program: Strenthening Community Vitality. Overview of the 2018-2019 Financial Year. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, 2019.
Goldbloom, Sheila Barshay. Opening Doors. Montreal: John Aylen Books, 2019.
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