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Farley, Charles A. A Sermon Preached in the Unitarian Chapel, Montreal, on Wednesday, 6th February, 1833: Being a Day Appointed for Public Thanksgiving, by His Excellency, the Governor-in-Chief, for Deliverance from the Ravages of the Cholera. Montreal: Published by request, 1833.
Morrin, Jos. “Cholera at Quebec.” Boston Medical and Surgical Journal Vol. 6, no. 24 (July 25, 1832): 379–382.
Gilliland, Jason Andrew, and Sherry Olson. “Residential Segregation in the Industrializing City: A Closer Look.” Urban Geography Vol. 31, no. 1 (February 1, 2010): 29–58.
King, Jason. “The Remembrance of Irish Famine Migrants in the Fever Sheds of Montreal.” 245–266, n.d.
Fransiszyn, Marilyn. William Henry Drummond Family Fonds : P103. Complete Inventory List. Montreal: McGill University, Osler Library Archive Collections, [n.d].
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