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22 resources
Stevens, Lys. “Ethel Bruneau : Montreal’s Rhythm Tap Legend.” Dance Collection Danse, Fall 2011.
Teleky, Richard. “Editing ‘Old Ladies’: Margaret Avison, P.K. Page, Miriam Waddington, Suzanne Rosenberg, and Jane Jacobs.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 209 (Summer 2011): 189–198.
Keyes, Fergus. “The Point’s Beaver Hall Atrist : Emily Coonan, 1885-1971.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2011.
Cancian, Sonia. “Love in the Time of Migration : Lovers’ Correspondence between Italy and Canada, 1948-1957.” Diversité urbaine Vol. 10, no. 2 (Printemps 2011): 91–109.
Brookes, Barbara. “An Illness in the Family: Dr. Maude Abbott and Her Sister, Alice Abbott.” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin canadien d’histoire de la médecine Vol. 28, no. 1 (Spring 2011): 171–190.
Cohen, Yolande. “Immigrant Aid in Quebec 1867-1939: Gender, Religion and Ethnicity.” Québec Studies Vol. 52 (Fall /Winter 2012 2011): 5–31.
Soren, Maya. “Reclaiming Le 9e: Public Heritage at the Eaton’s Ninth Floor Restaurant, Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2011.
Rackham, Michèle. “Between the Lines: Interartistic Modernism in Canada, 1930-1960.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2011.
Quirk, Linda Elizabeth. “Breaking New Ground: The First Generation of Women to Work as Professional Authors in English Canada (1880-1920).” PhD dissertation, Queen’s University, 2011.
Meloche, Monique. Profession : travailleuse sociale. Quarante-cinq ans de service social hospitalier, 1950-1995. Montréal: Liber, 2011.
Malboeuf, David, and Rima Hammoudi. Jennifer Hornyak. Montreal: Jennifer Hornyak, 2011.
Lafleur, Geneviève. “Le parcours de formation et les stratégies de diffusion de femmes galeristes à Montréal entre 1941 et 1963 : Denyse Delrue, Estelle Hecht, Agnès Lefort et Rose Millman.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2011.
Howard, June. “Introduction to ‘The Son of Chung Wo,’ by Sui Sin Far.” Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers Vol 28, no. 1 (2011): 115–125.
Gerson, Carole. Canadian Women in Print, 1750–1918. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2011.
Friedland, Judith. Restoring the Spirit : The Beginnings of Occupational Therapy in Canada, 1890-1930. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011.
Eidinger, Andrea Ellen. “What My Mother Taught Me: The Construction of Canadian Jewish Womanhood in Montreal, 1945-1980.” PhD dissertation, University of Victoria, 2011.
Dobson, Kathy. With A Closed Fist: Growing Up In Canada’s Toughest Neighbourhood. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2011.
Detellier, Élise. “’They Always Remain Girls’ : la re/production des rapports de genre dans les sports feminins au Quebec, 1919-1961.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2011.
Des Rochers, Jacques. “The Beaver Hall Group: A Montreal Feel.” In Quebec and Canadian Art: The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts’ Collection, edited by Jacques Des Rochers, 1:184–193. Montreal: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 2011.
De Silva, Nilmini. “Sri Lankan Women’s Career Identity Evolution after Immigration to Montreal, Quebec, Canada.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2011.
Cohen, Judith R. “Selanikli Humour in Montreal : The Repertoire of Bouena Sarfatty Garfinkle.” In Judeo Espaniol : Textos Satíricos Judeoespañoles, de Salonicenses o Sobre Salonicences / Judeo-Espaniol : Satirical Texts in Judeo-Spanish by and about the Jews in Thessaloniki, edited by Rena Molho, Hilary Pomeroy, and Elena Romero, 220–242. Thessaloniki, Greece: ETS Ahaim Foundation, 2011.
Burton, Samantha. “Canadian Girls in London: Negotiating Home and Away in the British World at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=107634&silo_library=GEN01.