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Veltman, Calvin. “The Interpretation of the Language Question of the Canadian Census.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue canadienne de sociologie et anthropologie Vol. 23, no. 3 (August 1986): 412–422.
Veltman, Calvin, and Tina Ioannou. Les Grecs du quartier Parc Extension : Insertion linguistique dans la société d’accueil. Montréal: I.N.R.S. - Urbanisation, 1984.
Vlahou, Anastasia. “Intergenerational Conflict in Greek Immigrant Families.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1991.
Waite, Richard. “The Attitudes of Students of Greek Origin in a French-Language Learning Situation in a Quebec Secondary School.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1992.
Wakewich Dunk, Pamela. “My Nerves Are Broken: The Social Relations of Illness in a Greek-Canadian Community.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1988.
Xenocostas, Spyridoula. “Familial Obligation: Ideal Models of Behaviour for Second Generation Greek Youth in Montreal.” In Immigrants and Refugees in Canada: A National Perspective on Ethnicity, Multiculturalism and Cross-Cultural Adjustment, edited by Satya P. Sharma, Alexander M. Ervin, and Deirdre Meintel, 294–316. Saskatoon, SK: University of Saskatchewan, 1991.
Xenocostas, Spyridoula. “Shattered Nevra : Performances of Distress and Resistance Among Greek Immigrant Women in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2000.
Yeritsidou, Olga G. “Factors Affecting the Occupational Expectations of Greek-Origin Adolescents.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1982.
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