Full bibliography
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First Baptist Church in Montreal: The Covenant of 1831 to The Continuity of 1981. Montreal: The Church, 1981.
“When the Fur-Traders Built a Church.” Highland Heritage Vol. 2, no. 3 (1980): 106–111.
The Voice of Pike River ; and, Missisquoi Historical Society Reports 1979-80. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi County Historical Society, 1980.
Wagner, Anton, ed. The Brock Bibliography of Published Canadian Plays in English, 1766-1978. Toronto, ON: Playwrights Press, 1980.
St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Old Chelsea, Qué. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1980.
Norris, Ken, and Endre Farkas, eds. Sounds Like: A Stereo Recording of Sound Poetry by Eight Montreal Poets. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1980.
Sorfleet, John Robert, ed. “Quebec Fiction: The English Fact.” Journal of Canadian Fiction Vol. 30 (1980): 169p.
Light, Beth, and Alison Prentice, eds. Pioneer and Gentlewomen of British North America 1713-1867. Toronto, ON: New Hogtown Press, 1980.
Montreal Chinese Catholic Community Centre /Centre communautaire catholique chinois de Montréal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1980.
“Le Québec anglophone hors de la région de Montréal dans les années soixante-dix.” 4 maps, 52x78 cm. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Conseil de la langue française, 1980.
Amyot, Michel, ed. La situation démolinguistique au Québec et la Charte de la langue française. Documentation du Conseil de la langue française no. 5. Québec: Éditeur officiel du Québec, 1980. http://www.cslf.gouv.qc.ca/bibliotheque-virtuelle/publication-html/?tx_iggcpplus_pi4%5Bfile%5D=publications/pubd105/d105-1.html.
Rowell, Nina, ed. Bury, A Picture Visit Through the Old Home Town/Une Visite En Photos à Travers Le Vieux Chez-Nous, Bury. East Angus, QC: Imprimerie Cormier, 1980.
The Vehicule Poets. Montreal: Maker Press, 1979.
The Osler Library. Montreal: Osler Library, McGill University, 1979.
Langlais, Jacques, and Robert Vachon, eds. Qui est Québécois? Montréal: Fides, 1979.
Dialogue entre le Gouvernement du Québec et des représentants des communautés ethniques et de la communauté anglophone des Cantons de l’Est : rapport final. Sherbrooke QC: Communication-Québec, Région de l’Estrie, 1979.
Milner, Elizabeth Hearn, ed. A Memoir Mainly Pertaining to the Work in Education of Bishop J.W. Williams 1857-1892. Sherbrooke, QC: René Prince, Université de Sherbrooke, 1979.
Watchtel, Wendy, ed. There Is A Voice: A Collection of English Poetry and Photography by Montreal Women. New York, NY: Angle Lightning Press, 1978.
Cameron, Elspeth, ed. The Other Side of Hugh MacLennan: Selected Essays Old and New. Toronto, ON: Macmillan of Canada, 1978.
Whitelaw, Marjory, ed. The Dalhousie Journals. 3 vols. Ottawa, ON: Oberon Press, 1978.
Missisquoi Memories. Stanbridge East, QC: Missisquoi County Historical Society, 1978.
Le fait protestant dans l’éducation au Québec. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Conseil supérieur de l’éducation, Comité protestant, 1978.
Mackey, William F., ed. Le bilinguisme canadien : bibliographie analytique et guide du chercheur. Québec: Centre international de recherche sur le bilinguisme, 1978. https://ia800509.us.archive.org/18/items/ERIC_ED179107/ERIC_ED179107.pdf.
Mayne, Seymour, ed. Irving Layton: The Poet And His Critics. Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1978.
In The House: The Story of the Needlepoint Kneelers. Montreal: Christ Church Cathedral, 1978.
Brief Presented by the Black Community Central Administration of Quebec to the Task Force on Canadian Unity. Montreal: Black Community Central Administration of Quebec, 1978.
Jones, Ginny, and Joel McCormick, eds. The Illustrated Companion History of Sir George Williams University. Montreal: Concordia University, 1977.
Mallea, John R., ed. Quebec’s Language Policies: Background and Response. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1977.
Robeson, Virginia R., ed. Lower Canada in the 1830s. Curriculum Series no. 25. Toronto, ON: The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1977.
Images of Biculturalism: A Resource Guide for the Teaching of Canadian Literature. Toronto, ON: The Writers’ Development Trust, The Quebec Working Group, 1977.
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